Decorating the Christmas Tree

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"Kurt!" Kitty yelled as she grabbed the tree topper from him. "It's my turn to put the star on top! You did it last year!" She growled. Kurt pouted. "Aber*! Nein! You put it on the three last year! I remember!" The blue mutant grabbed the star back.

While that was going on, you and your daddy were putting up the decorations on the tree. You hung all the non-breakable things. "Bub!" You giggled wanted him to see what you could do. "Oh look at you." Logan grinned and rubbed your head with his huge hand.

"Let me have it!" Kitty tried to yank the star from Kurt, but it ended up flying from their grasps and landing smack down on your head!


You cried loudly, feel the pain of the hard metal hitting your little soft head. That threw Logan into a rage. It was like poking a hungry lion with a stick then spraying it with a water gun. One pissed off dude.

"You two... Three hours danger room... NOW!" He yelled and pointed towards the hallway. The two ran out of there faster then even Pietro could! Logan turned his attention back to you and picked you up. "Are you alright, Bub?" He gently rubbed your head and felt a small bump. "Looks like you have a little bump..." He sighed. "Let's take you to Hank..."

*Aber means "but" in German

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