Finding You~

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It was late into the night. Cold, and damp, you cried from the doorstep you were tossed on so carelessly. Logan had been walking around the court yard making sure no kids were having sex in the back or selling drugs or whatever. He walked around to see you, all damp, cold, naked, and crying. He instantly picked you up, feeling bad and angry.

"Who leaves a baby on the steps naked?!" He muttered angrily.

He didn't care much for teens, but children, he hated when children were mistreated. He then noticed your skin. It wasn't a normal pale color, instead it was a very light shade of pink. Your hair was matted, your face was dirty. He carefully cradled you in his arms before walking inside the school.


Charles was sitting on a couch in his room, reading a book when Logan burst in.

"Charles. I found a baby."

Charles looked up from his book and his eyes widened at you.

"Oh my... Bring her here please."

Logan handed you over, you crying still.

Charles inspected you, seeing your pink skin. He smiled at you, trying to settle you down. Slowly, you fell asleep.

"She looks like she has been through a lot. The poor child must be a mutant if she was left out there... Well we can get Hank to check her." Charles smiled down at you in your sleepy state.

"Should we name the kid?" Logan asked quietly.

"She looks like an (Y/n) to me..."

You smiled in your sleep, glowing a faint pink.

"Well I'll be... It appears (Y/N) has the ability to radiate emotions... And I feel her happiness... Do you feel anything?"

Logan nodded.

"I feel tingly..."

"Well... Then I guess welcome to the world of mutants my dear."

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