10: Repercussions of losing.

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Chapter 10

Sophia's POV

'You're late'

Great first words to start the day on. Apologising to the teacher, I head into registration taking a seat next to Becca.

'What took you so long to get in? I saw your brother arrive ages ago'

With a sigh I think about whether to tell Becca the truth about what happened with Wes. But before I could reply, she beat me to it.

'I know that look, you better tell me everything. Seriously what happened?' she asked looking eagerly at me with wide eyes. It's surprising how she knows me so well despite the short time we've known each other. Deciding that this day would be much easier with her knowing I delve into the story.

5 minutes later- 'But I was winning and it was only because of his damn good luck he managed to make the last shot!' exasperated I end the past day's events and wait for her reaction.

'Don't you have a boyfriend?'

Confused I turn to her and scrunch up my face and ask, 'Yeah, you know that... Why?'

'Well it just seems that you and Wes seem to ... y'know ...' She gives me a pointed look whilst giving up on the sentence.

Still confused as ever I reply, 'No I don't know', she doesn't reply but continues to give me the pointed look.

OH. Shit.

'NO FUDGING WAY! Ewe why would you ever think that? Girl, don't ever say something like that again!' I shout all at once, suddenly realising what she is insinuating. Yes, Wes is not ugly but he is way too egotistic and I have Cam.

'Calm it Soph, I'm not saying that you would cheat on Cam but your relationship with Wes seems like it's taking a slight turn in the direction of more than friends'

'How on earth did you get that idea? How is disagreeing on every little thing possible and calling him names like 'Weasley' sound like any kind of stable relationship?!' I retort back to her statement.

Putting her hands up, Becca edges slightly back in her chair, 'Okay, Okay I get it. Just be careful, however nice he seems, Wes is a player, has always been one and will always remain one. Trust me if there's something he wants, he will get it.'

'Urgh, can we talk about something else, there's way too much wrong with that sentence.'

'What are you ladies talking about?'

Speaking of the devil, I was wondering how long it would take him to make an appearance in front of me. Before I have a chance to answer he says,

'Oh let me guess, about my expected, unsurprising win yesterday? How's the feeling of loser ship feeling?'

Giving what I hope is a look of killing I reply, 'Number one; Loser ship isn't a word, I guess English isn't your forte and two; you can gloat all you want, but you know I could've beat you, especially considering I was winning for majority of the game'

With the final word I get up and head off towards maths.

'I'll see you in biology then?' Hearing Becca's shout, I turn around and give her a nod and wave before leaving the class.

'Hold up, you are in denial, just admit it, I'm better at basketball than you'

'Why are you stalking me? Don't you have one of the bimbos waiting for you?'

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