13: Ice-cream Secrets.

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Yay, I uploaded in predicted time xD Enjoy Wattpaders

Kay x


Chapter 13

‘Ooh what about this one?’

Shooting Becca a disgusted look she laughs and puts the top back on the rail before saying, ‘Yup, I agree’. I’m currently wasting away my weekend shopping with Becca. Linking her arm through mine we head towards the food court.

‘So why isn’t Lou and Jess joining us?’ I ask genuinely curious about the absence of the two girls.

With a sigh Becca replies sadly, ‘I haven’t spoken to them in a while, I think they feel like I’m ignoring them’

I give a sympathetic smile before saying, ‘I’m sorry; it’s probably my fault isn’t it? You should really go spend some time with them alone…’

‘SHUT UP!’ Jumping from her the sudden change in her voice, I look at her confused before stepping back with hurt engulfing me.

‘Wait Soph, I didn’t mean to sound rude or abrupt but you have to stop blaming yourself about others misfortunes. Me, Lou and Jess were already drifting before you came into the picture and they always seemed to stick together since they are “childhood best friends”.’ She says putting her fingers up to do air quotations.

Attempting to cheer her up, I order my food before following her to a table. ‘Okay, enough about those two, it’s their loss if they don’t want to hang with us…’ I say before pulling out my currently vibrating phone, with a smile I look up at Becca, ‘…And we are going to continue to have even more fun at the skate park with the guys, you up for it?’ I ask her tentatively.

With a sly smile she replies, ‘Oh definitely, hmm would it be evil of me to mention to Lou what she missed out on today, knowing that she has the biggest crush of Brad’

With a laugh we scoff down our food whilst talking about anything and everything in life.

Making our way to the skate park we start to worry about our inexperience in skateboarding.

‘But Soph, what if I die?’ Becca asks for the 50th time

‘Then you can haunt me in my sleep. C’mon lets live a little’ I say to her before dragging her towards a crowd surrounding a ramp at the park.

‘Oh my gosh! Becca look, that’s Wes and Brad!’ I say excitedly pointing at the two boys skateboarding up and down the ramps doing flips and spins.

‘Wow! They’re really good,’ Becca replies in awe.

To mesmerized to speak I give her a nod. After they complete their last stunt, me and Becca start clapping and cheering loudly causing us to receive a few weird looks from the decreasing crowd. Noticing the commotion the guy’s head towards us with Drew now joining them also on a skateboard.

‘Hey you made it’ says Drew before giving both of us hugs.

‘Of course. We feel like such fan girls, standing here cheering’ Says Becca dramatically fanning herself as though she’s about to faint. The guys laugh along with me before I say,

‘Speak for yourself, I’ve seen better’ I say nonchalantly before casually looking around the park.

Raising a brow, Wes asks, ‘Yeah, is that so? Why don’t you point him out to us?’

Immediately I point to the poor gangly boy in his early teens attempting to go on a skateboard before screaming out, ‘Why is it moving by itself?!’ and falling off with a loud bang.

(123) One girl, Two bets, Three boys.Where stories live. Discover now