9: Tinkerbell and the Hulk

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Here's the next chapter - Apologies for the lateness, I'm not even going to lie about why its taken me this long- needed a flash of motivation, and now i've definitely got it! (:

And may I say a massive thank you to Lizziep17 for making the amazing cover for this story, seriously if you need a cover, ask that girl! So this chaps, dedicated to you awesomeness (; Here's her profile, check out her stories as well;

http://www.wattpad.com/user/lizziep17 ; http://www.wattpad.com/story/4520348-one-in-a-billion ; http://www.wattpad.com/story/3695203-finally-freed

Lastly, enjoy!

All my love,

Kay (:


Chapter 9

Sophia's POV

I got up to my room and threw my kit to one side and talk off my hoodie before landing on the bed with a loud thump. I can't believe I lost to him! It was only by 2 points but he still won the damn bet. And the worst thing being that he won't tell me what the "favour" will be. He could ask anything and I would be obliged to do or give it. Obviously I did set some boundaries like nothing life threatening or sex or anything morbidly embarrassing that would make me consider suicide. He said the last condition was a bit vague, dumbass.

My phones vibration pulled me out of my thoughts and I scrambled around looking for it. Once I found it, I wish I hadn't.

Hard luck tinker bell. You should know by now I always win (; - Wes

I don't know what annoyed me the most about that text. The fact that it's from Wes, or the fact that it's from Wes being an arrogant dork or his new nickname because of my dancing whilst playing basketball.

Luck is definitely the right word to use for how you won. Trust me Hulk, don't underestimate me, I'll teach you to lose. - Soph

Cos you're so good at it right? Hmm Hulk... Wat u trying to say babe? I know I have abs but that comparison is a bit much. - Wes

Piss off douche bag. I guess you are more like Heen, actually that's an insult to him - Soph

Heen? WTF is that?! - Wes

The blonde dog in Howls moving Castle?! Wow don't tell me you haven't watched it, seriously you have not lived. - Soph

Only you would think not watching a film means you haven't lived. Sounds like crap, and some of us have a social life. You know what that is right? - Wes

Butt face. - Soph

Real mature Tinkerbelle - Wes

'Sophia! Dinners ready'

Hearing my mum's voice, I put my phone down on the bed and quickly headed into the shower before going to eat, relieved I do not have to endure the pain of having to talk to Weasley anymore.

After dinner I finished up my homework and headed to bed dreading the following day of having to face Wes' gloating and his so called 'favour'. Saying a little prayer I fell asleep.


'Sophty sophty sophty! Wake up!'

Seriously one day I'm going to pop that boy like a pimple, brother or not. I hate mornings.

'Urgh I'm getting up, you can go. I don't need a heart attack from your face in the morning' I grumbled before throwing my pillow at him and getting out of bed.

'What are you talking about, if anyone's going to have a heart attack it would be me, have you seen yourself in the morning?'

I slowly turned to him and gave him the best warning glare. Once he ran out, I approached the mirror afraid of what I would find. As it turns out I don't look too bad maybe a bit of sleep in the eyes, a bit of messy hair and is that drool? Oh well who cares no-one looks good in the morning right?

I walked as slow as possible to school hoping not to bump into Weasley until necessary. Jack left a long time ago claiming that I was going to make him late, I wish I had a fraction of his enthusiasm for school.

Deciding I still had time to spare I whipped out my phone and dialled a number that was engraved in my heart.


'Hey Soph, it's been too long since we've talked'

Hearing Cams voice instantly put me in a better mood and helped me to forget about the troubles that awaited me in school.

'Cam, we talked yesterday morning! C'mon you can't miss me that much with all those girls around town to keep you occupied' I replied in a teasing voice, knowing he was going to get annoyed.

'Babe how many times do we have to go over this, I don't care about no-one else init. How can you even think I would do something like-' He started saying in a fluster, I managed to cut him off and stop him before it turned into a full blown rant.

'Chillax Godzilla, I'm only teasing'

'Oh. Anyways, don't you have school?'

'Urgh don't remind me, I'm on my way now'

'Aw c'mon why don't you miss first lesson and talk to me a bit more before I have to get to college?'

Oh that sounded very tempting, and as I neared the school gates I could see all the late comers running to their registration period. Damn if I wasn't such a geek who cared about her attendance and grades, I would've totally skipped, but my future depends on it! Okay that was a tad dramatic.

'Can't sorry, you know what I'm like with school'

'How can I forget, you didn't talk to me for a good few hours cos you were late to class that one time' He said with a deep laugh.

'Hey! It was your lips fault, they wouldn't let me go, and I could've got detention' I replied with a loud huff of anger.

Cam just carried on laughing, 'Ok ok, you better go, you know I love you right?'

'Sorry dude, that's a one way road' I teased, melting at his words.

'Babe, don't go breaking my heart' Haha nice one Cam, singing the lyrics of a song.

'I couldn't if tried' I played along laughing.

'Honey if I get-'

As I approached the classroom door I knew I had to put away my phone, so with a sigh I spoke into the speaker,

'I need to go, I've arrived at school. Talk later, love you too. Oh and i've got a surprise for you' I said all in a rush before hanging up as the teacher had noticed my presence and was heading out to question my lateness.


I admit it's slightly short and uneventful, but it's just a filler and the key for some drama later on (;

Also, what do you think the surprise will be?

Please comment, vote and fan, I promise it will make me write faster! ;P

Kay x

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