14: Forgive and Forget

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Sorry for the long wait. I can honestly say that forgot about this story but thank you to BlackMeadow who I am going to dedicate this chapter to for commenting and reminding me that I need to update.

This may be a bit cruel but I don’t think I’ll update next time until I have a decent number of votes shall I aim low at between 5-10? And maybe two comments?

Ill see how it goes xD

Happy reading,

Kay x


Chapter 14

Sophia’s POV

We got the day off school today for some teacher training day, I haven’t heard from Becca since the Saturday of our shopping trip and now it’s Monday morning and I’m heading over to Drews’ house for his tuition. Knocking on his door I start to feel the anger I compressed. Why did Wes go and open his mouth about my personal life, he should’ve come and talked to me privately if he wanted to know something… with a sigh I realise it’s not Wes’ fault, I’m just angry that Becca didn’t get a chance to hear it directly from me, gosh I’m such an awful friend.

‘Yo! Soph you coming in or what?’  Drew asks leaning against the door frame, his golden brown hair messy as though he just woke up from bed, wait he’s still in his wife beater and trackies…

‘Drew it’s 1’oclock, please tell me you didn’t just wake up?’ I ask in exasperation

‘It’s a three day weekend you can’t blame me. Anyways I was up all night yesterday’ He says as we head into the living room. I have my boundaries and refuse to tutor him alone in his room.

‘Ewee Drew, that’s something I expected your brother to say not you. Please spare me the details’ I say, covering my ears and rushing ahead of him into the room.

‘Wait that’s not what I meant! You’ve got to believe me, I was with Wes and Drew’ he shouts after me.

Widening my eyes in fake disgust, ‘Ewe I’m no homophobe but you and Wes?! That’s incest dude!’ I say holding in my laughter at his shocked face.

‘NOOO! I didn’t mean that’ He starts to cry so I decide to put him out of his misery and say I’m joking and sit down to start some glorious maths.

As we sit down a silence falls between us.

‘So’ He says drawing out the word, ‘I’m sorry about Wes and everything else that happened on Saturday. I really didn’t-‘

‘Stop’ I say cutting him off, ‘It’s not your fault and you couldn’t have done anything so let’s forget about it. And don’t think I’m forgetting about your maths lesson.’ I reply with a smile

‘Awww, but Soph!’ He whines before reluctantly opening up his textbook.

45 minutes later we’re both dying so I allow Drew a toilet break and head into the kitchen to get a drink. As I’m putting the carton of juice back in the fridge I feel a sense of De Ja Vu and turn around to see none other than the devil himself drinking my juice.

Walking up to him I put my hands on my hips and kick him on the shin.

‘Owww F- Frick’ He says knowing my hatred of foul language, ‘What was that for’

Ignoring him I head back to the living room. After a few seconds he enters with an extra glass of juice and hands it to me. Again I ignore him and take out my phone to text Cam. After I hit the send button I feel my phone being snatched out of my hand.

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