5: Cam Calling.

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Chapter 5

‘Mum, Dad! We’re home.’ Me and my brother just got back from school and what a long day it was! After lunch I had a gruelling hour of Psychology which would have been interesting was it not for the monotone voice of the sub teacher. Also, Wes was sitting directly behind me, which was uncomfortable at first, but luckily he didn’t make any snide comments, in fact he didn’t talk to me at all. Last lesson was PE, but that has been cancelled for the rest of the week due to some redevelopment in the sports facilities, so we just got an extra study session.

‘Oi, Sophty!’ Snapping back into the real world, I slap my brother round the back of the head. ‘Oww! What was that for?’ Jack asked whilst rubbing the back of his head.

Putting on a fake angry face, ‘You know how much I hate it when you call me that!’ I never have hated his nick-name, Sophty (pronounced softy), he started calling me that because when he was younger he would always grab my hair because it was soft and he thought my name sounded a lot like the word ‘soft’. I just pretend to be annoyed because it would be embarrassing if he called me that in public!

‘I just was going to ask if you could make me a sandwich’ He replied in his puppy voice, widening his eyes to help him plea.

‘Urgh!! Fine, fine ill make you one. But you have to unpack the last box. Deal?’ I said putting my hand out to seal the deal. Considering the proposition for a few seconds, he then took my hands in his, shaking it so that my arm could pop out the socket.

‘Jheez, no need to break the hand’ Shooing him off to finish unpacking, I set out to make the sandwiches when my phone went off.

Looking at the caller ID my face lit up.

‘Hey!’ I said with slightly too much happiness.

‘Hi babe. You alright?’ He greeted me in his deep voice that I’ve grown too love so much over the time I’ve known him. Is this what withdrawal feels like?

‘Yeah, I’m good. What about you Cam?’

‘Same. I just thought I’d call to see how you are, since we didn’t get to chat before. Soz bout that-‘

‘It’s alright. It was stupid of me to call so early. I really should’ve remembered the time difference’ I said quickly, cutting him off. It wasn’t his fault he couldn’t talk at 5 in the morning. I’d be pissed off if anyone disturbed my sleep.

‘Nah it’s ok. We haven’t really had a chance to talk much since you’ve left. How is living America and the plan to get back to England ASAP going?’

‘I’m living in California! It’s so hot over here, unlike London. And we live really close to the beach. But I miss everyone back home so much! Also-‘

Cutting me short he asked ‘So, are you moving back or not?’

Taken back by his bluntness, it took me a few seconds before I replied, ‘I’m still working on it. Stay optimistic but don’t get your hopes up’ I said in all honesty.

‘Oh okay. Well I’ll talk to you later babe- **Knock Knock**’

‘Are you expecting someone?’ I asked before hearing a new female voice.

‘Yeah, Kerry’s my biology partner, she’s just come over to start working on it’ He replied after a few moments, of what I’m guessing was opening the door.

‘Oh really, well, have fun.’ I said brusquely with a hint of anger before hanging up, suddenly feeling slightly jealous. But this is normal right? Feeling jealous when another girl is spending time with your boyfriend and you can’t even see him.

The rest of the week flew by peacefully.  The day after the phone call with Cam, I was in a melancholy state, after trying to squeeze out the reason behind my depressive mood during maths, Drew gave up and instead tried cheering me up with the help of Brad. And boy did they succeed. Those two are like the chuckle brothers! They are so goofy and funny that by the time lunch rolled around I had forgot about the Cam incident, even Wes had apologised for his forwardness on my first day saying he wasn't use to being rjected and joined in with the banter with Brad and Drew. During the lunch hours I spent with the Drew, Brad, Wes and the girls, I had found that the boys were like the three musketeers; they did everything together and had each other’s back one hundred per cent. Which I had told them and got a reply of Brad pulling out the banana he had for lunch and pretending it was a sword. Becca and the girls joined me, to sit with them. Reluctantly at first, thinking they wouldn’t fit in with them, but eventually they got used to it.

I have to admit, my first week in America was pretty good. And what made it better was when Cam phoned me the day after the phone ‘incident’, apologising for not being considerate of my feelings and promising me that nothing was going on between him and Kerry. Things were looking up. Or is it too soon to speak?

(123) One girl, Two bets, Three boys.Where stories live. Discover now