6: Seriously Sir?

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Yay! I'm moving up in life LOL. 23 reads and 5 votes!! Would it be too much asking for a few comments? ;P


Kay xx


Chapter 6

I woke up feeling paralyzed.

'Urgh I can't move' I grumbled to myself. Last night I spent all my time unpacking the rest of boxes, not to mention having to carry some of the baby junk (i.e. photos and videos of when me and jack were younger) to the loft. I didn't realise how much memories weigh!

'Sophie get up, you're going to be late!' My mums screaming voice just made me in a groan into my pillow more. 'Are you up or do you want me to send Jack up there?' With that question I jumped out of bed to be caught in the sheets causing me to tumble out onto the floor in a mess.

'Oww. I'm up gosh dammit!' I screamed at my mum.

Finding the floor increasingly comfortable, I was just about to doze off again when there was a knock at my door.

'Mbm-Out-hmph-Changing' I tried saying, face buried in the sheets.

The door opened despite my protest. I turned my head a fraction upwards to see Becca standing there with her hands on her hips.

'I knew you weren't up yet. Move your lazy ass and get changed. You have 10 minutes or I'm leaving without you.' She said sternly before leaving again.

'OH fine I'm up, I'm up! Blame the parents for working me to the bone.' I shouted at Becca's retreating figure.

Ever since Becca found out that she only lived 5 minutes away, she's offered to drive me and Jack to school on most days. Don't get me wrong, a free ride to school is awesome but a girl needs exercise, especially when PE has been cancelled for the week. That actually reminds me that the weeks over and I have PE today, hmm have to remember my kit...

The journey to school was normal; me and Jack arguing about little things, with Becca occasionally putting and input here and there. Once we got to school, Jack jumped out before saying that he'll be late as he has try-outs after school, damn that means having to wait and extra hour for him.

First lesson: Maths. Don't get me wrong, I'm doing well in maths and enjoy it; I just do not like the teacher. Seriously he's like the devil incarnated. Today he was droning on about some form of histogram. Resenting the amount of sleep I got last night, I lay my head on the table to take a nap. After a minute Drew starts poking me repeatedly, 'Mhmm leave meh alone' I replied annoyed of having my sleep disturbed.


Ahh crap! I shoot upwards just in time to see Mr Wilmore walking towards me with an angry gaze.

'I'm sorry, is my class disturbing your sleep? Seriously, teens these days spend all night doing God knows what and it's the teachers being left with the after-math!' He asked, his voice laced with venom. At his comment the class erupted in laughter and if it were not for my caramel skin, I would've turned red with embarrassment. Gosh now the whole class probably is thinking I do the dirty all night long. Urgh. Seriously Mr Wilmore is out to get me. 'Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go back to teaching and you better pay attention.' He said before turning around and stalking back to his desk.

'Yes sir,' I muttered.

'I tried warning you' an annoyingly smug looking Drew decided to comment before poking me again.

'Seriously dude, stop poking me!' I said just before he decided it would be funny to carry on 'Weasley switch seats with me? Please!' I turned to face Wes giving him my best puppy dog face.

'Urgh, why'd you call me that?' Ever since I found out his full name was Wesley and how he hated the name, I decided to make a compromise and call him Weasley (like Ron Weasley from harry potter, yup typical brit) much to his disappointment.

'Cos I think it's cute' I replied sincerely. 'Please?' I asked referring to my earlier question

'Urgh fine, I don't know why you didn't just ask Brad' He said whilst switching seats with me.

Raising my eye brow and giving him a 'you-being-serious' look I replied, '1. Its Brad, he's a lazy arse 2. It means I'd have to put up with you for the rest of the lesson' I said sticking out my tongue.

'Ms Andrews! Stop talking and complete your worksheets' Mr Wilmore shouted from his desk.

'Seriously that dude has it in for me' I muttered to myself.

'You got that right. He's glaring at you now' Brads lazy voice replied.

Looking up I saw he was right; Mr Wilmore gave me one last glare before leaving the room to photocopy some sheet. Damn I guess I should start working.

Just as I was about to start, the annoying voice of Clone 2 shattered my ear drums.

'Hey babe' She purred whilst running a hand down Weasleys arm, 'why don't you come sit next to me?' she said before literally sitting on Weasleys lap and running a hand through his hair.

'Nah, I'm good here. But why don't we meet up after practice?' He replied casually. Urgh gag me. I think I'm going to puke.

'Sounds like fun' She whispered in his ear, loud enough for everyone to hear, before hopping of his lap and back to her desk, just as Mr Wilmore returned.

Just as he was opening his mouth to speak, the bell rang cutting Mr Wilmore off. I quickly packed my bags and was about to head out but not quick enough.

'Ms Andrews would you come here for a moment please' Mr Wilmore's tired voice echoed through the almost empty class room.

'Ha-ha someone's in trouble' Drew laughed just about to head out, watching my glare.

'Ah Drew, this concerns you as well, so please would you stay for a moment.' Hah! Karma's a bitch.

'Looks like I'm not the only one in trouble, I whispered to Drew before heading towards the front.

Giving me a pointed look, he followed behind.

Reaching the desk, Mr Wilmore put down his pen and looked up at us before he started.

'Ms Andrews it's clear that you are not paying enough attention in class' before I had a chance to reply he cut me off, 'And we all now I am meant to be writing your reports. You are a very bright student as your grades show, but that is not enough.' Softening his gaze he looked me in the eyes, 'I really do not want to have to lower your grade, so I was thinking we could make a compromise, in order for you to get some extra credit.' Slightly confused at his sincerity in wanting me to well, I replied,

'Erm, okay. What do I have to do?' At this point I'm guessing Drew was fed up of standing around.

'Sorry sir, but what am I doing here if this is all about Sophs small attention span- Oww!' what was that for, he said rubbing his arm where I hit him. Just as I was about to reply, Mr Wilmore cut in.

'Well, we all know that you are not in line to pass this class Mr Mitchell' He looked at Drew sharply causing, Drew to become defensive.

'But, I-' Before continuing Mr Wilmore raised his hand indicating him to stop.

'No buts. I am assigning Ms Andrews here' He said indicating at me, 'To tutor you. You may now leave. Any protests you have will go by unnoticed. Unless you really are hoping of failing' With that we left his classroom completely baffled.


So there you go! Sorry it's a bit short, but next chapter will be longer, and juicier! (Hint: The bet...) (;

Remember; Comment and Vote!

Kay Xxx

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