4: Meeting Mr.Jerkface

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Hey, just want to say thank you to DinoAbby3 for liking (123) and being my first fan!! Yay! So psyched so thanks x

Here's Chapter 4;


Chapter 4

As I made my way to the back of the class, I couldn't help but feel self-conscious as the class started whispering

'OMG! She has an English accent, totally awesome'

'Dude, I'd tap that'

'Probably a British whore...'

With that last comment I stopped. Hold up, no one calls me a whore and gets away with it. I abruptly stopped and whip around until I'm looming over the walking fake tan bottle.

'Sorry what did you just call me?' I angrily hissed at the sluttishly pretty brunette.

'Err... I...' I smirked at her stuttering. I was just about to turn around and walk away before the blond (who could pretty much be her clone, with the amount of makeup, fake tan and similar short clothing they were wearing) sitting next to her, spoke up,

'She said you're a British whore'

'Adrea!' The brunette clone 1 hissed.

The blond clone 2, Adrea, faced her friend before saying 'Chill, what can she do? She's a pathetic, little, British slut. I mean seriously, look at that outfit, what a total FAIL' She said in her snobby, nasal voice, indicating at me. Oh this bitch is messing with the wrong girl.

I start laughing hysterically causing the two evil clones to face me with curiosity etched across their face.

'Er what's so funny?' Evil clone 1 asked

Wiping the fake tears from my eyes, I bend down until I'm at eye level with them and threateningly whisper, 'What can I do? Darling, you have no idea, and trust me you don't want to know. As for the fail, hon have you looked at yourself? Clearly your dad's condom is the biggest fail.' Judging by their shocked faces, I guessed it was best to leave the conversation there and so I headed to my desk high fiving some of the laughing students on my way.

I got to the second to back row and took my seat next to an amused looking Drew.

'That was totally sick!' Drew said lifting his hand for a hi5. Slapping his hand with a bit too much force than necessary I slumped down in my seat, when a new deep voice greeted me.

'Yeah, have to admit hot and feisty. A total turn on.' I turned to look at the owner of the smokin' hot voice. He was the guy sitting behind Drew that looked strangely a lot like him apart from the fact he had blonder hair and was much taller and muscular. I trailed my eyes over his gorgeous abs that was showing clearly through his tight fitting shirt. What is getting into me? I feel like I'm cheating on Cam by looking at these guys. Bringing my eyes back up to his deep golden brown ones, I noticed his smirk.

'Take a picture, it lasts longer' He said noticing my stare. Just realising what he said, I break myself from my trance and put on a carefree, disgusted face. Then with one more nonchalant look over him, I reply,

'Jheez...' Pausing for dramatic effect 'You must have done something pretty bad in your past life to get a face like that!' Seriously, what an arrogant jerk face.

Drew and the guy sitting next to jerk face burst out laughing. Whilst the man himself narrowed his eyes and leaned forward before smirking and saying, 'Keep pretending babe, no one can resist me for that long. Soon you'll succumb to my beauty'. He fell back in his chair still watching me and waiting for my reply, thinking he'd won. I lean slightly forward eyes blazing at his comment and calmly reply, '(Using air quotations) "Babe" Not even all the plastic surgery in the world could fix a face like yours.' Turning back around I realised that the teacher had left the classroom and the bell rang out indicating the end of lesson. Putting my sheet in my black and red floral satchel bag, I swivel in my seat to face a laughing Drew.

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