2: The house.

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Chapter 2

I look out the window of the aeroplane to see that we are about to land. It's beautiful. Not to mention how hot it is, compared to England where it constantly rained. England-3 America-1. As I step out of the aeroplane I wish that I had worn a dress rather than my skinny's and hoodie. Jheez was it hot!

'Sophia keep up, we have to go and collect our luggage' My mum shouted. Seriously that women walks around as though it's the end of the world. As I slowly trudge after her I can't help but ogle some of the hot specimens around me. Let's just say there are plenty of hot guys around... Argh damn, guilt fills me. I have to remember I have a loyal and dedicated boyfriend.

The drive from the airport to our new home was peaceful. Jack and mum are asleep and dads silently driving. As I watch the scenery unfold, I realise I could totally get use to this. It's so utopian and beautiful. Our house which is only 15 minutes away from dads work (not going to even try and understand what he does), is amazing. It's way bigger than our house in England! And its only 20-30 minutes away from the beach. England-3 America-3.

As soon as I step in the house I run to the biggest bedroom I can find and scream 'shotgun!'

'Hey that's not fair! Mum and dad get the master bedroom' the little squirt says

'Yeah but they won't mind if I have it, right dad?' I turn to look at him and give my best puppy dog face 'Err, well... erm' Hmm this is going to be harder than I thought, time for the guilt trip

'Well, I just thought that having a big room will be one of the few positives of moving to America, considering how I had to leave all my friends, and not see my boyfriend-'

''Ex-boyfriend'' Urgh. I'm going to have to cover Jakes mouth with tape

'Shut up, we didn't break up' I replied sticking my tongue out at him. Childish, yes I know but to fight a child you have to be a child.

'Anyway like I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted- Hey where's dad gone?' I look around the room to find he's nowhere in sight

'Ha-ha you totally fell for my distraction to save dad'

Arghh! That only means one thing...

'Sophia Belle Andrews! Stop guilt tripping your dad for the master bedroom. You should already know me and your dad called dibs on it'

'Muuum what did I say about using that lingo' it sounds weird when my mum uses words like 'dibs' she should totally be banned from it.

'Stop changing the subject. Now out, go pick a different room and unpack'

'Fine. But if I die of homesickness I'm going to haunt this room in the afterlife.' I said, pulling a face.

'Sure thing hon, but please get out. Me and your dad need to rest from that long journey. Oh and would you give your brother something to eat and put him to bed. You both start school tomorrow'

'Sheesh I'm going, I know when I'm not wanted. Fine. But why tomorrow, can't we please have a day to settle..?' I anxiously asked, already knowing the reply.

'No. now out.'

After unpacking the essentials, such as toothbrush, face stuff, clothes for school and food. I make some sandwiches and eat.

'Sophia, are you nervous about starting school tomorrow?' I look at my brother who is picking at his sandwich and guilt overwhelms me. I've been so selfish complaining about how hard it is for me to move that I didn't stop to think about how it may be affecting him.

'A little, I mean who wouldn't be a bit nervous about starting a new school half way through the term. Apparently I'm going to be a junior and you're going to be a freshman. American school system is soo confusing right?'

'Yeah' he replies so softly, I can see the nerves radiating off him

'Hey you know you have nothing to worry about right? You're pretty cool, apart from when you're annoying me.'

He looks up with a grin 'it's too much fun annoying you. But yeah, I've looked at the schools website and I might try out for some sports, maybe football but they play differently here, I think they call it soccer.'

'That's cool, you'd totally knock them dead, and I might try for basketball if they have a team....'

'Really? You suck at it, I totally beat-'

'No you didn't mum said I had to let you win'

'No she didn't'

'Yes she did'





'No-' 'urgh shut up.'

We fall into a comfortable silence and finish eating. 'Hey, jack you know you can come talk to me about anything, right?'

'Eweee don't go all mushy on me sis... but yeah thanks' he gives me one last smile and goes off to bed leaving me to wash up. The jerk.

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