7: The Bets.

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Yay Second Fan! So im dedicating this chapter to Mya7223 (:


Chapter 7

Wesley’s POV

I woke up with determination this morning, time to get my plan into action. It’s been a week now since I made the bet and I’ve passed the first stage of my plan to befriend her. Next step is to subtly weasel my way into her life.

And you may be asking who this ‘her’ is. Sophia Andrews, the new British transferee. She’s not my usual catch of the hot slutty type, but this makes the bet all the more interesting.

**Flash back**

‘Dude, the day I fall for you, is when pigs can fly. Actually, that has more of a chance of happening than me falling for you.’ Grabbing her phone she left me standing, completely shocked.

As if on cue; Drew and Brad came out and sat on the bench I was standing near.

‘Dude close your mouth, unless you want to catch a bird’ Brad said, whilst taking out his lunch. ‘Ouch, why’d you hit me?’

‘The sayings catch flies, not birds! Dumbnut’ replied Drew after punching Brad on the arm.

Breaking out of my shock, anger fills me as I take my seat.

‘Who does she think she is? All high and mighty!’ I grumbled whilst stealing Drew’s cake when he’s not looking.

‘Hey that’s my cake! Wait you-‘ Before he finished the sentence I finished his cake. Yep I’m a fast eater.

‘Why do you always steal my food?’ Drew mumbled before encircling the rest of his lunch with his hand for protection.

Ignoring his question I carried on with my rant. ‘Don’t worry, she’s probably playing hard to get’

Catching onto what I was saying Drew and Brad stop eating.

‘Oh, you talking about the Brit?’ Brad asked, but Drew beat me to the reply, ‘Of course, who else in this school has the power to reject the manwhore himself?’

Reaching across the table I slap Drew round the head. ‘Why’d you say manwhore like a bad thing? Just because you can’t get any…’

‘Urgh just stop. Anyway, Soph would never go out with you let alone go further’ He said waggling his eyebrows. ‘She’s actually sane, smart, and mainly she’s not blind.’

Suddenly realising what he’s saying, I lean across the table and ask, ‘What you trying to say?’

Pushing me back, Drew replies, ‘That you have no chance with her.’

Suddenly getting a hold of what’s going on Brad intervenes.

‘Ooh, is that a challenge Drew? Wes, do you accept?’

Looking between the two of them and looking across the field at Sophia, I reply.

‘You bet.’

**End of Flashback**

After accepting the challenge, we decided the terms of the bet. If I managed to make Sophia say she loved me by the end of the second semester, I’d win. The prize: Pride but also, 200 bucks and having Drew do all my chores for a month (and vice versa). But obviously Brad being the idiot he is, decided to make a second bet which he would clearly lose. He bet me that I would fall in love with her by the time the bet with Drew was over. The prize of this bet was also 200 bucks and Brad being my personal assistant for a month (and vice versa).

(123) One girl, Two bets, Three boys.Where stories live. Discover now