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There are many solutions for you to escape problems. First, you search for answer. Second, try your suggestion. Third, if does not work, better kill yourself. People actually believed that death is the answer for everything which is I find very amusing. Why? Think of it, if you die, you don't have anything to worry. You don't have to think how to survive. You don't have to think how to be rich, beautiful, smart or even how to have a boyfriend. But the saddest part is, we have beliefs that we need to take care of. That's why we're scared to die cause we are scared to see our own body decaying and watch our loved ones wreck their lives without us.

So, let me tell you. If death is not the answer, how will you escape the thing that kills you? Simple, run. Run as fast as you can. Run until you can escape. Run until that thing stops. Run, run, run.

If you asked me, I've never been a runner. I've always hated sports before I've known that word. But now, I wished that I have trained myself to run faster. Cause you know what? No matter how many times I boast myself to run faster, that jerk can still found me anywhere. He was like a little hologram that keeps following me anywhere and it scares the hell out of me. It scares me about his plan. It scares me what he thinks and by the way he moves.

So, let me tell you why I was running. The last time that the jerk and I talked, he said that he like this Arossa girl, which is Vin's girlfriend. And I was like 'Oh, really? and what does it have to do with me?' So, when he said that he needs my help, that's when my arguements stopped cause I've got already an Idea on mind which is right; and I was very absolutely right.

He knew that I liked Vin. He knew about my feelings. He knew about all the shits that I feel when Vin keeps ignoring me. He knows every fucking thing and I hated that jerk for being a very good observant.

I asked him what he really wants. I mean, he really wants. I was already getting annoyed cause I know to myself, that no matter how he persuade me I will always say 'No' because come on, it's obvious that this guy is mocking me.

So, I thought that he was going to stopped but I was wrong; Instead he was like a child that keeps toying me to say 'Yes' no matter what I say. so what I did is, I ran to escape from him and hide until he cannot see me.

It was raining when I got out from school. I was walking in the street using my black umbrella when I felt something very weird. You know that feeling when there's someone watching you while your walking? So what do you expect? I was about to run that time when a cold hand rushed on my shoulder and saw this jerk. He was bathed with the rain and said. 'Help me'.

For the very first time, I saw the motivation on his eyes. I don't know. I really don't know and I was wondering what will happen if I say yes? Will that change anything? Will Vin finally noticed me? Will Vin finally see me? Will Vin finally feel me? Is the 'Yes' is the answer for everything?

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