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Ok guys,I know some of you might be wondering where i've been all these while..The truth is that i've been really busy this past Month but not to worry because..<drum roll> I'm back and I'm gonna continue with the story..So,relax and enjoy the ride..This chapter is dedicated to the lovely lady who has supported me so far..She has voted for all my chapters and commented as well..So thanks,for putting a smile on my face..

Dedicated to Adrain215.

Check out the picture of LINDA <Bridget's bestie>...

Bridget's POV

It's been over a week since i and the kids came back from the music say it was amazing would be an was off the charts and i'm so happy we all got to spend time together and also learn new things..It was a saturday and since i was bored out of my mind just doing nothing but watch movie's while i stuff my face with pop corn,i decided to put my time to good use by finishing the song i was currently working on..And friends,that was how i ended up spending my afternoon on my bed buried in a pile of sheet music..30 minutes into my work,my phone started ringing and i picked up on the second ring after scrambling to find the phone buried under a pile of papers..

"Hello" I answered without looking at the caller Id.

"Oh hy Linda,it's you" I responded to her greeting.

"You don't sound too excited that i called..did i catch you at a bad time?,i can call back later if you like".Linda said in a hurry..she was sounding awfully nervous and i immediately knew something was up.

"No its ok..We can talk now..So whats up?" I asked trying to get the conversation going.

"You know me,work,work and more work..Nothing much for this girl..honestly" Wow,she was sounding really tensed.

"Okkk...Linda tell me,what's going on..Is it your boyfriend?,did you guys have another fight?" I started guessing so that she could open up.

"What?, No..Not at all..I just called to check up on my best that a crime?..You know what,I'm highly offended you think I'm hiding something from you.I wouldn't do that..What sort of a best friend would i be if i hid things from you..You know what..." I had to cut her off because my eardrum was starting to hurt..

"Girl...calm down,I didn't say you were hiding anything from me..You know what,let's forget about that ok,i believe you" I could have sworn i heard a sigh of relief coming from her.

"You do?..I mean of course,you believe me because I don't hide thing's from my Bff..Hahaha.. that'ld just be wrong right"..
Ya right..i believe her..not..Of course i do not buy her story.You see,when Linda doesn't want me to know about something,she tend's to get nervous alot when we are together and when i ask her about it,her voice gets squeaky and all..She couldn't even keep my secret surprise birthday party a secret. Something was definitely going on and i intended to find out one way or another.

"Quick question,have you heard from Harris because i've been calling his number and it keeps going straight to voice mail..I've even left him a thousand message's ever since i got back but nothing.."I've been trying to get in touch with him ever since i got back but nothing seemed to be working and i was starting to worry..Even though i hate to admit it,i really missed him the time i was away and i just couldn't wait to share the experience with him.

"Urhmmm..No..Not at all...Would you look at time,i have to go..See you soon..Love you".

"Wait,Lindy you've not...Hello" She hung up on me..well there goes that unanswered question.What a strange phone conversation..I didnt dwell much on it though seeing as i had a song to finish.

After working untill my eyelids were almost about to drop,i was almost finished with my song..I know you might be wondering why i was writing a song when no one else was going to listen to it,well except Linda of course..The truth is that this is my only way of keeping my dream alive somehow..Writing songs for myself gives me a certain level of peace.Just because i couldn't sing anymore due to an ugly incident that happened back in High School which only Linda,I and a few douche bag's knew about,didn't mean i couldn't write amazing song's anymore right?..

The rest of my day was uneventfull and i went to bed wondering how Harris was doing and the last thing i thought of before i slept off was his beautiful face leaning towards me to give me a heart stopping good night kiss..

Wait what?!*/#~\^°•

____________________________________Please read this.
Short chapter..Ya i know but the next chapter will be longer..Some of you might be wondering why Bridget said she couldn't sing anymore but not to worry,the full detail will be revealed as you read ahead and progress in the story..So i hope you enjoy this chapter for now untill my next update which won't be long..+I Promise+

PS..Bridget's bestie is Linda and not Rachel as written in this chapter.I've been trying to correct that but it's not working yet so please,dont get confused.

Leave your comment's and please vote for this story..It's very important.I know it's a new story and i'm new at this but it also help's when you guys vote and comment.It won't take a minute..It's encouraging and it helps me know am not doing a terrible job.
Ok..i wont take up any more of your time.

Happy Reading!!
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