Chapter Twenty-One:Finally Mine (UNEDITED)

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So,i was actually excited while writing this chapter..I hope you enjoy it too.

LOL!! HaPpY ReAdInG..



I woke up to the incessant buzz of my alarm clock sitting on my bed side table..Without opening my eyes,i stretched out my hand to turn it off because it wouldn't stop buzzing but unfortunately i couldn't reach it.

Opening my eyes slightly,i groaned in discomfort when the rays from the sun coming through the glass windows hit my eyes,intensifying my already growing headache. I could have sworn the curtains were closed shut the night before. 'What do i know,i might have set my house on fire and i wouldn't even remember',i thought to myself.

"Note to self,quit drinking" I got up from my bed ready to smash my alarm clock against the wall.

I finally located the damn clock and tried turning it off but it wouldn't bulge. Just my luck..It was starting to piss me off so i got a shoe from my ward robe and smashed it against the clock repeatedly.

I assembled the broken pieces scattered on the floor together and tossed it into the nearest waste bin i could find. "No one messes with me" I said looking down at the waste bin.

Walking out of my room with contentment,i could perceive the strong aroma of coffee emanating from the kitchen. Just what i needed.

The kitchen was empty when i walked in. While helping myself to a cup of coffee,i mentally decided to go to my private gym to let off steam instead of being cooked up in my room all day. As i sipped my coffee,i walked into the living room in search of    Matilda but couldn't find her. As i made my way to head back to the kitchen,i bumped into someone who was definitely not Matilda.

With my hand holding my cup of coffee and the other firmly secured around her waist to break the fall,i stared into her eyes for what felt like hours before finally letting go.

"What are you doing here and how did you get in? Where is Matilda?.. Matilda?" I practically yelled questions at her without stopping to take a break.

Her eyes were as wild as saucers from my sudden outburst. I left her standing there while i walked around her in search of Matilda.

"She is not here. She told me last night that you asked her to leave." That immediately stopped me in my tracks. I turned around slowly to face her giving her the most deadliest glare i could muster.

"What did you just say?"

"She told me last night that you asked her to leave"

"That means you were here last night?. Come to think of it,its way to early for you to be-" Before i could finish my sentence,realization dawned on me. "Did you spend the night here?" She made an attempt to approach me but she halted when she saw the look on my face.

"I came here last night looking for you but you weren't exactly in the right frame of mind to talk. I stayed back hoping we could talk but honestly i'm not liking your attitude very much."

She looked at me with her chin raised up,looking me straight in the eye in a challenging manner.

She was damn beautiful even when angry and that only made me want her even more which was becoming evident in my tight jeans.

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