Chapter 17

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Alexandra's P.O.V

"Say bye to Daddy and your uncles Monkey!" I chuckled leaning forward so the lads could kiss my daughter some.

"Be good for Mummy, my dear. Uncle Louis loves you!" Louis cooed using the baby voice reserved for Scarlett only. Scarlett shrieked in delight at the attention she was being given.

"Alright little salt. Come to auntie Lottie!" The young girl beamed taking Scarlett out of my arms. I took out my iPhone to snap a picture of them both. "Alex can I adopt your baby?" She begged with a cheeky smile playing on her lips.

I let out a surprised laugh. "I'm afraid not Lots. I love my little sunshine too much to let her go. You can snag her up every once in a while, though." I reasoned, trying not to laugh at Lottie's facial expression.

"Fine, that would do then, wouldn't it little bear?" Lottie huffed playfully turning her attention to my babbling girl.

"See? Now everyone's happy!"





"Is everyone having a good night?" Liam called into his microphone. In reply, he received a bunch of chants and screams along with some very high pitched squeals.

I stood along side Lottie, Sophia and Lou. The two small toddlers sat in front of us interacting with one another and every once in a while, looking up at the boys on stage.

"We're so very happy to be here tonight. Pittsburgh, you truly have been amazing tonight. But don't be sad our beautiful girls and boys, the show is just starting. We still have a lot of things to do!" Louis continued on after Liam.

"This is Girl Almighty!" Niall piped in. The fans went crazy at that, immediately starting to sing along with the boys.

"Let's have another toast to the girl almighty

Let's pray we stay young

    Stay made out of lightnin'

Looking down to check on Scarlett, I noticed her clapping her chubby hands along with the song. A big grin spread across my face as I witness my daughter. Of course I had to pull out my phone to record her. And no one has to find out if I sent the videos to my Mum and Anne. Pft, course I didn't...

"Alex, Harry's been looking at you for the past five minutes." Lou informed loud enough for me to hear. I glanced up at the stage to lock eyes with a sweaty, yet, sexy looking Harry. I swear, one of these days he's going to be the death of me and my ovaries. What? I haven't been with him since before Scarlett was born and she's going to be a year soon. Sue me.

I blushed a deep scarlet. By the look on Harry's face I knew he caught on to it. "Go back to performing, dork." I mouthed causing him to grin cheekily.

"What's gotten our Hazza so giddy, eh lads? Could it be that gorgeous girl standing by the side with those other three gorgeous gals. Harry, would you like to tell us?" Liam teased as the bright lights turned to us.

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