Chapter 24 •

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Alexandra's P.O.V

I woke up with a small huff. If it's not obvious, I'm not a morning person. I hate waking up with a burning passion.

I knew I wasn't going to fall asleep again anytime soon. So with that said, I turned around so I was laying on my back and looked to Harry's side of the bed.

He was still fast asleep, his front was facing me, making things easier for me to kiss him.

"Mmm," he hummed, I giggled against his cheek and continued leaving a trail of kisses down his neck and jaw.

"Good morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?" Harry smiled lazily as he pulled me into his arms. I squealed in surprise but cuddled into his chest.

"I love you." Harry murmured as he crashed our lips together, I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck; pulling him impossibly closer.

As our kiss became more intense, so did our intentions. Before I knew what was happening, Harry rolled on top of me and was kissing down my neck to my clothed chest.

"I love you too," I murmured in between whimpers. Harry had managed to somehow take off my sleeping shorts and had discarded them on the floor.

We resumed to kissing, after Harry took off his shirt. I pushed at his chest gently as I tried to get his attention.

"What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" He questioned in a worried tone of voice. I shook my head with a small chuckle leaving my mouth.

"I want to give you a... You know..." I stammered shyly, no doubt my cheeks tinted red.

"You're so hot, shit," Harry groaned as he flipped himself to lay on his back. It was easier for me to crawl down his body and push his boxers down to his ankles.

I wrapped my hand around his thick length and began to run my hand up and down at a slow pace causing Harry to moan and groan rather loudly. I giggled softly, trying to bite back the smirk that was threatening to appear on my face.

"You're such a tease, fucking hell!" He grunted as he rutted into my fist. I rolled my eyes at him and leaned down to kiss his hips and thighs.

"You know you love it. So hush up, darling." I hummed before wrapping my lips around his shaft. I bobbed my head in steady motions, Harry's hands having found purchase on my hair where he was pulling shakily.

"Alex," he whimpered quietly, thrusting his hips just the tiniest bit. I held his hips down against the mattress and proceeded to take even more of him into my mouth.

"Oh, baby, I'm so close. Dammit!" Harry moaned as he placed both his hands in my hair and gripped fistfuls of it.

I pulled my mouth off of his length and moved on to deliver kitten licks to the head of it. In a matter of seconds, Harry was releasing all over his stomach and thighs. I jerked back with a giggle; not receiving any of his substance to my face.

~ end of mature content ~

I crawled up the bed to lay next to him and place a kiss on his flushed cheek.

"Good morning!" I giggled watching as Harry let out a breathy laugh and cupped my cheeks to give me a proper kiss.

"Good morning indeed."

Harry's P.O.V

Alexandra and I showered together and headed downstairs after to look for our girl who we haven't seen since last night.

We found her in the living room floor sitting in between Gemma's legs, playing with her stuffed animals. My parents were sitting on the sofa watching some show.

Alexandra immediately went over to Gemma and cradled Scarlett to her chest, planting noisy kisses on the baby's cheeks causing her to squeal in delight.

"Hi beautiful! Mummy missed you so much!" She cooed as she hugged Scarlett closer, the baby girl whimpering happily against her mother's neck.

"You saw her last nigh," Mum chuckled from where she was sitting on the sofa. Alexandra turned to look at my Mum and laughed softly.

"I know... I just can't help it; Mummy is always missing her girl!" She cooed into Scarlett's chubby cheek, our daughter giggled cheekily and stuffed two chubby fingers into her mouth.

With a fond smile grazing my lips, I walked over to my girls and pulled them both into my arms for a family cuddle.

"Who's that Scar? Is that Dada?" Gemma crooned as she stood up to sit next to our mother.

I sat down on the loveseat and pulled Alexandra to plop on my lap with Scarlett snuggled in her arms.

"Dadadadadada!" My baby girl chanted happily. I laughed softly, making silly faces at her to make her giggle. I succeeded at making her laugh and squeal, Alexandra chuckled and placed a kiss on our baby's temple before transferring her to my arms.

I held Scarlett to my chest and placed a ton of noisy kisses on her cheeks and tiny lips, she of course was a shrieking mess as she tried to push my face away with her chubby hands, failing at doing so.

"You're being so silly today, precious. So silly, my baby girl." I cooed into her hair, Scarlett's tiny hands were pulling on my fingers as she brought them up to her mouth. I was quick to pull them away and stand her up on my thighs so she was facing me and pretended to bite her chubby belly. Scarlett grabbed a chunk of my hair and pulled on it eagerly. I groaned loudly, trying to pry my daughter's tiny hands away from my hair.

Gemma was laughing loudly, my mother was trying very hard not too, Robin was just as bad as Gemma. The only one person who bothered to help me was my perfect and amazing girlfriend who was quick to pry our daughter's tight grip off of my hair.

Once Alexandra had managed to sit Scarlett peacefully on her lap, she smirked at me cheekily.

"That's why I keep insisting on you getting a hair cut, H. You're going to end up bald on Scar's account." She giggled as she kissed our baby's cheek when she turned to nuzzled her face in her Mum's chest.

My parents and sister laughed at that causing me to glare at them.

"Yeah, yeah." I huffed like a small child. I leaned down to kiss Scarlett's temple and murmur playfully to her.

"This is all your fault!"

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