Chapter 26

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A/N: please make sure to read the author's note at the end of the chapter please, there are a few things I wanted to tell you guys...

Happy reading loves!


Alexandra's P.O.V

A couple of weeks after our trip to the pet shop, we packed everything up -puppy included- and had a small road trip to Holmes Chapel to visit Harry's family.

During the past weeks, both Harry and our daughter came down with a cold. It was completely out of the blue that happened. Monday and Tuesday they're both more than okay,  Wednesday morning, however, Scarlett has a fever and Harry is coughing so badly he ended up throwing up.

So after taking Harry to the doctor and Scarlett to her Paediatrician; having both doctors confirm what was nothing more than the common cold, we packed everything up and headed to Cheshire for a couple of weeks.

"Are you feeling okay?" I murmured to Harry, placing my left hand on his thigh, my right hand remaining on the wheel.

"I'm okay, sweetheart." He replied, his voice scratchy from all the coughing he's done in the past few hours. I brought our joined hands up to my lips to place a kiss on his fingers.

"I love you so much." I whispered, a content sigh leaving my mouth.

"I love you too, Kitten. Thank you for looking after me." He grinned lazily and leaned toward me to peck my lips softly.

The moment Scarlett caught sight of Anne, she began to wiggle inside of her carrier. I chuckled fondly and busied myself with taking my baby out of her seat and handing her over to her Nana.

"How's my beautiful girl doing? I heard you and Daddy were sick!" She pouted at Scarlett which only caused the baby girl to squeal in delight.

Anne laughed softly, placing a row of kisses on my baby's hair before pulling me into a warm hug.

"How have you been, dear?" She grinned hugely, adjusting Scarlett in her arms. I reached forward to push away the little strand of baby hair that fell to cover Scarlett's eyes, smiling warmly at Anne, "I've been amazing. Aside from having to deal with my poor loves being sick, I've been doing great!" I beamed just to prove my point.

"I'm so very glad to hear that, darling. I'm happy you lot came to visit. It gets lonely with just Robin and I here." She pouted playfully, planting a kiss on Scar's hand when the tiny girl brought it up to her Nana's mouth.

"We're going to have so much fun! Yes we are, baby girl!"




Harry's P.O.V

Bubba seemed a little hesitant to be around Dusty and Dotty.

Harry, who the hell is Bubba? Well my friends, Bubba was the name Alexandra and I decided for our three month old Golden Retriever puppy. We figured it wasn't a mouthful and it was kind of adorable.

As of now, the small puppy was nuzzling his nose against Robin's feet in hopes of getting the older man's attention.

"You're a very wiggly little thing," he chuckled when he finally picked up the puppy and sat him on his lap to stroke his soft fur. He's wasn't a ver furry pup to begin with, which was a plus in my opinion. We don't have to worry about Scarlett getting some of his hair in her mouth.

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