Chapter 9

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Shortly after we were done eating, Scarlett began to cry, which indicated me she was ready for her lunch. So after excusing myself from my group of friends, I made my way out of the restaurant and toward the black Range Rover to feed my daughter without having to disturb anyone.

"Go on baby girl." I cooed down at Scarlett who was whinging quietly for her food. The second her little mouth was close to my breast, she attached her lips to my nipple and began to guzzle down her food eagerly.

There was a knock on the window that had startled Scarlett out of her food paradise and ultimately made her burst into tears.

I couldn't help but giggle when I felt her jump in my arms slightly, my arms holding her to my chest fondly. "It's okay baby girl, it's just Daddy." I murmured after having been able to calm her down a bit.

"Did I scare her?" He asked with a raspy voice as he got into the back seat of the vehicle with me and our daughter. "Little bit." I chuckled softly, leaning back into the seat some more.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare her." He pouted cutely, to which I waved him off absentmindedly, "don't worry about it, love." I smiled warmly, my eyes locking with his own emerald ones.

Before either of us could say anything, I was notified by Scarlett's moving jaw she had begun to eat once again.

"You're hungry today, aren't you?" I murmured down at my baby girl gently, her little eyes closing as she ate contently.

"She's nursing again?" Harry chuckled from beside me, his voice raspy when he spoke. "She's eating like there's not tomorrow." I laughed as I shook my head playfully. Harry smiled the tiniest bit as he shifted in position so his legs were bent at the knees; his front facing me.

"Are you comfortable sitting like that? Does your back hurt?" He inquired, green eyes peering at me curiously.

"I'm fine, thank you." I assured the Cheshire lad who nodded his head in understanding. As we made small conversation, Harry let one of his fingers caress Scarlett's tiny feet that were kicking around as she breastfed.

She grunted against my breasts cutely, causing a grin to appear on my lips. "What is it baby girl?" I chuckled, kissing the top of her head lovingly.

"I love you so much, Scarlett." I murmured into her chestnut colored hair as I held her close to my chest. Harry who had remained quiet whilst I spoke to our daughter, moved closer to us.

"Can I kiss her?" He whispered shyly.


"Can I kiss her?" I whispered shyly, my tone delicate as to not disturb the baby who was still eating from her mother.

"Of course you can; what kind of question is that?" Alexandra teased playfully, her eyes looking between Scarlett and myself.

I leaned towards her chest to peck my daughter's chubby cheek gently, almost afraid to startle her again.

"She's done eating, if you want to burp her." Alexandra blurted out suddenly, causing a smile to break across my face as I nodded my head.

"Yes please." I chuckled, cradling the baby to my chest and hearing her whine loudly as she was moved away from her Mum.

"Hi baby," I cooed softly, Scarlett's eyes wide as she shrieked happily.

"What's going on, little lady?" Alexandra chuckled as she clasped her bra and buttoned up her sheer red, long sleeved blouse over her chest.

"Tell Mummy you're about to take a nap on Daddy." I grinned playfully, nuzzling my daughter's neck affectionately.

"She's definitely about to fall asleep on you, H." Alexandra laughed quietly, her attention focused on our daughter who's little eyes were fluttering lazily as she snuggled into my arms.

"Harry? Let's switch seats. You're exhausted." I advised the young lad who's eyes were fighting to stay open; thankfully, the road ahead was not so busy.

"Okay." He mumbled lazily, parking in some organic market so we could switch places before we continued our drive to Holmes Chapel.

"You can nap if you'd like?" I opted as I started up the black SUV once again, my eyes looking over at him momentarily. Harry shook his head softly as he turned to peer at Scarlett. "I'm good, I'm going to wait until Scarlett wakes up to play with her."

"Whatever you want." I murmured, focusing my attention on the road ahead.


"Oh goodness! She's gotten so gorgeous!" Anne gasped, going over to take Scarlett out of Harry's arms.

"Thank you." I grinned, blushing lightly. I went to grab our bags out of the boot, grabbing Scar's baby bag in the process.

"Let me," Harry commented, appearing by my side and taking the bags out of my hands.

"Thank you." I voiced, smiling at the long haired lad. He flashed a tight grin as he took the remaining bags out of the boot and walked toward the front door where Robin was waiting to help him.

"Please don't start acting like a prick again." I groaned quietly, shaking my head to rid myself out of my thoughts.

"Alexandra darling, come here!" Anne beamed happily, holding Scarlett on her hip and motioning for me to go toward her with her free hand.

I smiled at the pair warmly, walking toward them and hugging Anne tightly.

Let this vacation begin.



Short chapter, I know. I hope you enjoyed though.

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