How You Met. 1

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Johnson: You were walking down your new street. You moved away from you hometown because you need to get away from 'things'. You were in your phone and you weren't looking were you are going. You bumped into someone making you to fall. "Oh My God. I'm so so sorry" the blonde boy said helping you up. "Nah it's fine my fault. Wasn't looking were I was going" you said grabbing his hand. "I'm Jack Johnson" he said smiling. "I'm [Your Name]" You guys started talking and well ended hanging out with each other the whole day.

Nate: "Mother?" You yelled. What the heck. You think. You looked around confused. Your mother has friends but usually has them over. "Mama?! please tell me your not d-" you were cut off by a really H O T boy. "Um. Your ma is outside talking to my ma." He says laughing. "O-oh. Thanks. How long were you there" you ask him. "Long enough. Nah I'm just kidding barely came in. I'm Nate Maloley " he smiled showing his dimples. [question. Does he even have dimples? lol I'm stupid]. You smile like an idiot. "Well Dimples. I'm [Your Name]" you smirked. He was about talk when you mom comes in. "Oh. Kids. Please go to the store and buy food." My mom handed us a 40$ bill and left. You guys laughed and left to the store

Sammy: "Aye. Girl" this boys hollers at you. You roll your eyes. "Yes.?" You say looking at him. "You dropped your phone?" He says handing you your phone. "Oh god thanks"
You said taking it. Our hands touched a little bit. "Um. Do you wanna hang with me?" He asks. "Sure. Can I trust you?" You smirk. "I guess. I mean I gave your phone back." He laughs. "Okay fine. Here's my number meet me at the park" you hand him a paper and left walking to your house.

Gilinsky: "omg. I saw him crying for me" your bitchy friend say talking to your other bitchy friend. "God. What a dick!" [friend number 2] said. You roll your eyes. "Hey [Friend number 1 name] " you looked up to see the most beautiful eyes ever. "Um. Hey." She says. "What are you doing here?" He says getting mad. "Um. Having fun. What else?" She says in a bitchy voice. "Get the fuck out" he yells at her. "Fine c'mon [Your name]" she says always bossing you around. You smile at him but he grabs you arm. "I didn't mean you" he whispers in your ear. I smile. You guys hangout the rest of the night.

John: "what do you mean?" You sang while dancing around your room. "Hey ar-" John stopped talking and started dancing with you. "Wanna argue all day..." "When you nod your head yes but you wanna say no. What do you mean?" John sang that part. The song ended and you guys sat down in the floor. The room filled with laughters. Your dad had his client over and John was in the same school as you. "So your dad here or something...?" You ask. "Yes. He is. Boring !!" He yells. "Okay. John shut up" I say giggling. He smiled and you guys started hanging out in school and became 'friends'. [wink wink].

Hey guys. I'm Josselin of course anyways hope you enjoy.


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