How He Likes His Sandwiches. 46

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This one time my mom said I was mental...

Johnson : He likes it with loads of ham, let's just say he's a savage...

Nate : He loves sweet things so his sandwich has to be Nutella, or peanut butter and jelly, with loads of jelly.

Sammy: He like spicy food a lot so you have yo put chilies in his sandwich to please him.

Gilinsky: Jack likes to eat 'healthy' so his sandwich has to have lots of veggies in it.

John: John is unique cause he eats a n y t h i n g. That's why you love him.

Wud up babes!! I'm back and ready to *kicks feet up high* cheer. So I'm trying out for Cheer this year in my school and I'm really excited cause I've always wanted to be one. Especially because I'm loud I get to use my loud voice in cheer, so yay!! Okay I was thinking of sandwiches when I wrote this so don't judge.

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