Cute Daddy and Son moment. 38

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Johnson : Jack and your son Damian were having a son and dad day. He took him to the studio to chill with the guys. You decided to bring the guys food so you stopped at Taco Bell. You arrived at the studio to see Jack teaching Damian how to rap. The guys were video taping them. "Oh my god. That's so cute!" You say a little to loud they all turn to you. Damian came running out into your arms. "I wanna be just like Daddy!" You 4 year old son said.

Nate : You had to go to work earlier because they need you to do something. You left your son Ethan with Nate. Hours passed and you wanted to go home and relax. All you could hear was laughs and screams. You entered the room just as water was thrown at you. You gasped and the boys went quiet. "What the. Nate what is going on in here? It looks like the freaking Pacific Ocean." You said getting mad. You turned around to see Nate and Ethan pretending to watch t.v. "Oh hey babe" Nate said smiling. You couldn't stay mad at them forever so you just smiled and went to get some sleep. 

Sammy : Your son Ben is just like his father. They could be twins. If Sammy was mad at you, Ben would be mad too. After you got out of your job you went directly to your house. You arrived around 6 pm. It seem odd that the boys were quiet. "Guys I'm home!" You yell. Nothing. You walked up the stairs. To see them dancing and singing  to Downtown by Macklemore. You laughed so hard, you though you were giving birth again.

Gilinsky : You guys decided to go on a nature hike. You arrived at Parke Verde. "Mommy I don't want to walk!" You 4 year old son whined. "C'mon Aidan. I'll buy you ice cream afterwards." You said. He's eyes lit up and walked up the hill. After mins of walking Aidan started whining again. "C'mon buddy. I'll carry you" Jack said grabbing Aidan in his arms. The whole walk by they were laughing and making jokes about you which you don't mind cause they are having a good time talking bad about you. All you did was laugh at their stupid but cute remarks.  

John : Your 5 year old son was crying his heart out in his room. Today was his first day at his school and he was made fun of because he had a Horse folder.(A/n: I was gonna say a my little pony one so this one is better.) "C'mon Tyler horses are amazing. How would Cowboys get to there destination  without horses? How would they save the love of his life without a horse?" You say trying to make feel better. "He should let her to die!" He yelled while crying into his pillow. "Tyler! [yourname]! I'm home!" John screamed at the top of his lungs. "Up hear!" You yell. "What happened? Why is he crying?" John bombard you with questions. "Kids at his school made fun of his horse folder." You explain. "Oh c'mon buddy horses rock ! You'll see tomorrow I'll take you to ride one" John said making him feel better. "Really?" Tyler said sniffing. "Really." He answered. The whole night you,Tyler,and John spend the night watching movies about horses.

Guys okay sorry for not updating lately I've been really lazy okay I'm sorry. Okay so my sisters friend has this kid at my school in his Snapchat that said 'Happy Birthday Bro💖💖💖' and she showed me. I literally screamed cause he looked so cute in that picture. I use to have a h u g e crush on him. But then I'm like yeah he's cute but I will never get a chance and this year he has a girlfriend and the girlfriend is so sweet and stuff and I talk to her. So I'm here cursing and shit because he knows my sisters friend.
- j o s s e l i n
Update: It's his brother

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