What You're Parents Think of Him. 53

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Johnson : You're parents think that Jack is a sweet boy and can make you very happy. Also that you'll guys make the cutest babies.

Nate : They don't really like him because he smokes weed and has bunch of tattoos. You're parents are very traditional and want you to have a great life with some great guy. But you know that Nate is the one for you even if they don't see what great of a guy Nate really is.

Sammy : They think he is a very nice guy but not for you. Your dad thinks that he is a troublemaker and will hurt your feelings because of what he heard about him being a player.

Gilinsky: They love him. They think he is the one for you and sometimes you feel jealous when your dad spends more time with him but you know that they are trying to make you happy.

John : They don't really have an opinion on John. They think he's such a gentleman and would take care of you but at the same time they think that he would hurt you.

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