How You Tell Him Your Pregnant. 58

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Johnson : You were so nervous for this day. Today is the day you are going to tell Jack that you are pregnant with his baby...hopefully. You set everything up. The plan is to drop a balloon with baby shower confetti in it with both genders cause you don't know what it's going to be just yet. You heard his car park and you quickly cover yourself with a blanket. The front door opens. "[yourname]! Where are you!!" He yells. As you heard his footsteps coming up the stairs you got even more nervous. He opened the door and you hear a yell making you laugh. You uncover yourself and stare a Johnson with confetti all over him. "Hey baby!" You say standing up walking towards him. He spits the confetti that was in his mouth on your face. You gasp but minutes later you laughed so did he. "Why did you do that?" He asked. "Hint!!! Hint!!!" You yell. He looked at you confused then his eyes widened and he grabbed you spinning you around as you giggled. You were so glad he took the news pretty good.

Nate : You and Nate were in the basketcourts playing a game...well mostly him you were just playing around. "Damn!! Look at that hottie!" You say. You turn to Nate as you see him give you a look. "Hey you there!" You start singing the Souji Boy song. As you start throwing basketballs at Nate. He started chasing you around as people looked at you guys like your crazy. He grabbed you and put him over his shoulder. "Damn. [yourname] you got heavier." He says. You gasp. "Are you telling me I gained weight?" You say kinda angry. "We-" you cut him off and jump of his shoulder. "Well maybe because I'm carrying your baby in me." You say. You quickly cover your mouth. As the words slipped right out your mouth you saw Nate's expression which you couldn't really read. "Are you telling me that I got you pregnant that's why you gained weight?" He asked. "Oh...My...God! Of crouse I am you asshole pregnancy makes you fat and gain weight!!" You yell letting your anger out. "I'm so happy!! Just not happy it's going to have the same additude as you." He said laughing. You gasp again and slap him on his chest. "Not funny. Mr. Man bun." You say as you raise a peace sign up in the air.

Sammy : You were looking through Google on ways to tell Sammy you are prego. Then an idea came up. "Omg!" You yelled excited. You got everything ready and made dinner plans to tell him. You went to the restaurant to drop something off. "Hello Miss how may we help you today?" The guy at the thing asked. "Hi um I'm planning on telling my boyfriend I'm pregnant today and I would like to make a reservation and also can you give him this when we are about to pay?" You ask. He looks at you with a smile. "Congratulations! And for sure your reservation would be at 8." He said. You handed him the the coupon You got from the Internet that says. "Good For One Baby. To Be Redeemed in 9 Months." With a baby picture. You left and got ready for the dinner.

You guys were having a great time and soon enough it was time to go. The guy from earlier came and brought you the check and you were so nervous for his reaction. As Sammy opened it up his face was priceless. He jumped off his seat and hugged you so tight. "We're going to be the best parents ever." He whisper in you ear as you guys hugged. His words made you smile so big.

Gilinsky : Today Jack has plans to take you out for dinner and you took this as the chance to tell him about your baby. "Ready for dinner baby?" He asks you. You turn your attention towards him. "I guess." You laugh. He smiles and you both went up to change. At the restaurant you put the box in your jacket. You guys left and went for walk to a lake. "I love you!" He says kissing you. "Okay." You whisper to yourself. You got on one knee and Jack looked at you confused. "Jack. We have been together for about 2 years now and all those years have really changed my life. You are the reason why everything is the way, you are the reason why I'm actually happy. You make my life complete and without you I wouldn't be doing this." You said and pulled out a box and opened it up to reveal a pacifier. His reaction was priceless. He was grinding form ear to ear and he picked you up spinning you around. "Of crouse you wouldn't be able to do that. We made it!" He said making you laugh.

John: John was away on tour with the guys so you were by yourself and you couldn't wait to tell him so you grabbed your phone and texted him. "Dinner Reservations at 6 pm. Party Of 3" and sended it. You quickly pack your bags and made you way to Anaheim cause that is were he is today. As you got there he hasn't even read it yet so you sneaked your way backstage. Of crouse the security man let you in. The show ended and you heard the guys come so you went to hide. "Guys! [yourname] just send me a text saying 'Dinner Reservations at 6pm. Party of 3' what does that mean?" He asks. The boys said "I don't know" or "who knows?" And stuff. You jumped and yelled. "Danger!!!" Really loud which scared the guys. And you know Johnson being Johnson screamed like a girl. You laughed. "What are you doing here?" John asks you. "Well dinner." You smile. "Also who are you bring?" He asks. You smile even wider and point at your belly. "What-What does your belly have to do with this?" He asks confuse. "Oh my god Congratulations!!" Madison yelled jumping up and hugging you. The boys still didn't know what you mean. "Ooh. Your belly hurts. Then why are you going out to eat?" Johnson asked you. Nate slapped the back of his head. "You guys!!! She is pregnant!" Madison yells. "Oh. Oh my god!!" John said getting up and hugging the living death out of you. The rest of the day John couldn't shut up about the baby which wasn't such a big problem besides him talking. But you love him and your glad he is taking this very good.


This is literally the longest preference I have ever written. 1118 words guys. I'm so sorry for not updating I hope this makes it up for those days and weeks and months. Sorry I really am. Anyways i won't be able to update as much as I use to cause my grades are horrible so kinda have to get those up and thank you so fucking much for 9.1k readers literally you guys are the best and I don't deserve these much people cause I barely even update I'm so sorry. No picture guys I'm sorry not on my laptop which sucks anyways hope you have a very nice rest of the year cause only 4 more months til 2016 which I'm excited for to change and make things right. Okay sorry for ranting anywyas bye love y'all. 💖

-josselin Perez


Note: also sorry for any mistakes it's like 10 or 11 and I'm tired as hell.

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