Matthew espinosa

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Guys okay I know this has nothing to do with the Omaha squad but it's my baby Matthew Espinosa we are talking about. Today at 8:30 am something like that! he announced (pacific time) that he is taking out his movie "Be Somebody" on June 10. And I'm so happy and proud I think I'm going to cry. I love him so much, I'm so excited for this movie! I really want all of you to watch so go check his Twitter for the info! Anyways guys this means so much to me and many more fans, this is a huge thing for him.

As the years go by I'm kinda getting the hang that Matthew (and the rest of the boys) are getting even more famous. I'm so sad but so happy they had been succeeding in life. I love them with all my heart and I truly know that they are gonna get somewhere in life. Yes they probably don't know us but they know we are here and we support their decision no matter what it is. The boys are eventually gonna grow up, get girlfriends, have wife's, and begin a family cause that's life. Loads of us left the old-Magcon fandom but we know that somewhere deep inside we still have a very special place in our heart. I may not be obsessed like I use to be but that's because we all grow out of things but I know I won't ever grow out on loving Matthew Espinosa cause he's my everything.

Anyways sorry for the long rant, im so happy I'm crying while writing this. But just go check out his Twitter and trend the hashtag it's not to late. I wanna thank all of you for making this happen for him, he's the reason why I'm here. He saved us and loves us even if he doesn't know us but we are here and supporting him. No matter what! Thanks for your time on this rant. I really thank you guys for reading my book and giving me votes and comments it motivates me to do and try harder on this book.

Thank you so much!!! Love you all!!!


(P.s. Go on his Twitter and watch the video!!!!  I'm bawling at this point."  

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