100 Facts About Me.

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{I think this is such a funny picture.}

Quick thing this does not count as a chapter so I'll post more today later on the day cause it's like 12 am. Lol here we go.

100. I have 1 older sister, 1 younger brother, & 1 older brother.
99. My sister is 15, my younger brother is 4, & my older brother is 18.
98. A lot of people say me and my sister look like twins but she's 2 years older then me, I have curly hair & she has wavy hair.
97. I'm 13 if you don't know how to count.
96. I love pizza.
95. I'm full Mexican but me and my siblings look like we are white. So we're basically adopted.
94. My first movie I watched was Finding Nemo & I still watch it.
93. I forget things very easily.
92. Im on Tumblr 24/7 checking skating blogs, Matthew Espinosa, Jack Johnson, and Odd future.
91. I don't have a phone, I got an iPod but my mom took it away & it's almost going to be a year since I haven't had it.
90. People take me for granted. I hate it.
89. I can trust anyone very easily.
88. Me & my parents don't get along very well. I'm the rebellious child and they don't like it.
87. I get in trouble a lot, the reason is because I love seeing my parents get mad at me.
86. I've pulled the fire alarm.
85. I've called...well yelled at a teacher calling her a 'ASSHOLE' in 4th grade.
84. My favorite movie and book is 'The Perks Of Being A Wallflower.'
83. I act like a boy most of the time but a girly girl at heart like when I fangirl.
82. I love candy and my favorites are Sour Patch, Starbursts, Lemon heads, and everything that's sour.
81. I had a imaginary friend named Jojo.
80. I love taking risks.
79. I hate it how people throw me away and step all over me like I'm some piece of shit.
78. I hate rude people.
77. I hate school and sometimes think about running away from this stupid town.
76. I was born on May 31,2002. In Downtown Los Angeles.
75. Favorite place to hang out is in Los Angeles. Something about it that makes me have hope for the future.
74. I have a Teddy Bear with 1D faces on it. I got when I was 10 in build a bear workshop and its name is Twilight. She smells like strawberries.
73. People first impression of me is 'Bitch' but then they get to meet me and They think I'm 'Chill'.
72. I have the bad habit of biting my nails. My therapist thinks it's because of my anxiety.
71. My parents are separated. Most likely to probably get a divorce.
70. My mom just diagnosed with breast cancer.
69. My favorite uncle is a drug addict and a drug dealer.
68. My family is not normal, they are horrible but we learned how to live with each other.
67. My parents are very overprotected. The one place I can go out is to school and church.
66. I hang out with the Cholos and Cholas well wannabes but they are better okay.
65. I'm not a bitch or anything. So don't think that, I'm way more different then my friends trust me.
64. I've bought weed before but I gave it all way cause I couldn't do it.
63. I wanna go to Nyu or Usc.
62. I wanna be a Photojournalist, Make up artist or a Dog Therapist.
61. I really want have a fashion line & make up line too.
60. I'm a huge fan of the Kardashians. I love them.
59. I even watch Dash Dolls every Sunday. So tomorrow at 9:00 pm on E!
58. I can stay up all night literally just talking me and my sister have done it before.
57. I love skater boys. Also talk to most of them in my school.
56. I hate it how my friends make plans and shit but they always leave me out.
55. I hate it how people ignore you even though you know them since you were like 4
54. My friend are nice to me but not all the time.
53. My mom doesn't like known of my friend besides my best friend since I was 4.
52. I have one best friend whose name is Lizbeth and we've known each other since we were 4.
51. I get along with my dad but not all the times.
50. I love football, baseball, and hockey.
49. I've been to a UCLA football game.
48. My room is usually dirty but I clean it and then I throw things in the floor cause I'm too lazy to put them where they belong.
47. I say "I Guess" a lot.
46. I have bruises on my knees because of my brother and my best friends brother.
45. I'm 5'1 with 3 quarters. Yeah I'm short.
44. My favorite colors are black, white, olive green, sliver, gold, and rosy pink.
43. I love listening to oldies when I go to Ventura. (A/n: Ventura is place that's 15 or 30 mins away form Oxnard. It's so pretty.)
42. I don't really have a genre but here are some I like house/edm, rap, oldies, indie rock, alternative, & pop.
41. I have like 6 journals and I don't know where they are.
40. My favorite kind of food is Italian.
39. I really like wearing my brother sweaters, hoodies, and shirts.
38. I have a bit of an obsession with Odd future.
37. I Don't like onions, sweets potatoes, and pineapple.
36. I wear make up cause I ugly.
35. I just got kicked by my sister whose goes by the name Claudia but we call her Elizabeth.
34. I don't really have a favorite song but F*ckin Perfect by P!nk is on repeat on my iPad or laptop.
33. I'm a big fangirl! I can't even count how many fandoms I'm in.
32. I only have 3 magazines which are Thrasher, Vogue, and The Factory.
31. My favorite season is Fall!
30. I like to pick my brothers clothes out.
29. I have 2 dollars on me right now.
28. I have a huge window in my room.
27. Flume is one of my favorite House/edm artist.
26. I'm horrible at grammar if you haven't noticed.
25. I used to live in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Mexico. (A/n: I only lived in Mexico for like 1 or 2 years but I was really small.)
24. My mom threw my favorite shoes away.
23. My favorite store is Vans.
22. I love the beach but I hate getting in it. I only put my feet in.
21. Currently listening to My Type by Saint Motel.
20. My Instagram is @Saintlaurentskates. Go follow.
19. It's currently 75* degrees outside.
18. I love the wind.
17. I love giving gifts to people.
16. My brothers room looks like some drunk teenagers got high in there. Literally he has red solo cups everywhere and it smells like weed because of the neighbors.
15. I love giving people makeovers.
14. Me and my siblings make the stupidest jokes ever.
13. My dad helps me shop for clothes and my brother helps me shop for shoes.
12. I don't like painting my nails but I wanna get fake ones in a grey color cause I can't stop biting my nails.
11. I live in California.
10. I have all B's besides science because the teacher suck.
9. I've loved Justin Bieber ever since I was like 10 or 9.
8. I found out about Selena Gomez when I was 5 & since then I've been obsessed with her.
7. I like playing video games.
6. I tried out for Cheerleading.
5. I want my future car to be a White Jeep Wrangler.
4. When I grow up I wanna have 3 kids. 2 boys and 1 little girl.
3. I really wanna start a YouTube channel. I wanna be a beauty guru.
2. I help my friends get girls or boys.
1. People say I'm a sweet little girl just exploring the bad world.

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