Your Frist Arugement. 32

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p.s. You kinda acting a little shady, ain't calling me baby. Better say my name.

Johnson : "Why do you even care where I'm at?" You yell at him. "Because your my girl. And I care about you!" He yells at you. You look down at your feet. Dreading What you were about to say next. "I'm not your girl. Cause we are over!" You say and grab you keys. You walked out and slammed the door in the process. Angry was all you felt. 'It's wasn't even his fault.' You though. That day you cried and cried expecting a call, or text from him but he never called. And you though 'wow. I fucked up this time'

Nate : "Why do you listen to them? They are fucking gay!" Nate said walking into the kitchen. You looked at him. "Why do you say that?" You ask pissed. He knows that you hate when someone calls something you like or anything gay. You hate disrespectful people. "Because it's true!" He says mad. What's up his ass? "But you fucking know I hate when people call something or someone gay!" You yell at him losing your temper. "You don't me to call your music 'gay' right?" You said again. He looked at you like he's about to kick your ass. He pushed past you and slammed the front door. You heard his car drive away. 'Wow. What a boyfriend' you thought. The rest of the day Nate didn't come back. You called him but he didn't answer. 'I Guess we're over' you thought on the verge of crying. [does that even make sense?]

Sammy : "Sammy. Really?" You said looking at him. "What?" He said. "Why do you have to smoke here?" You ask him. "Because now shut up!" He said clearly mad. Every time he's high, he becomes such an asshole. You always let go but this time you stood up. "Don't fucking tell me to shut up!" You say mad. "I just did now move" he says pushing past him. The sent of the Chanel Chance Eau Fraiche perfume hit you. "Cool, now my boyfriend is cheating on me with a girl richer than me!" You said sarcastically. He turns around. "Yeah. So? It's not like I ever asked you to be my girlfriend for the rest of my life. I have side hoes." He confessed. You nod while biting your lip. You turn around and grabbed your keys. "Oh and by the way. You have a same ass dick. Cause you know it's confessing time" you shrugged and left proud of yourself. You drove away. Later that day You guys broke up. 'I want my daddy back' you thought while doing your homework.

Glilnsky : All you could hear is Wu Tang Clan blast through out the whole house. You were in your room smoking weed. "Baby I'm home!" You heard Jack yell. You just focused on you smoking. He opened the door. "Oh damn ! What happened here?" He asks as the smoke hits he's face. "Nothing." You said looking out the window. You just heard Jack ramble about something. You weren't paying attention until he yelled at you. "Huh? What?" You said looking at him. "Wow! Looks like all you do now is smoke" he says mad. "Sorry babe I can't hear you. The music is loud." You say laughing. He throws a picture at the stereo shit and it shut up. You looked at him mad. "What the fuck Jack!!?" You yell at him getting up. "You such a bitch. You never even care about your boyfriend but you fucking weed. Ever fucking time I wanna talk to you your never there to listen." He yelled at you. "Maybe because you act like a little bitch who gossips about everything!" You say laughing. "Get the fuck out!" He yells at you. You look at him And grabbed your phone,wallet, and keys.  "Oh and by the way. We're fucking over bitch" he said. You just ran out there and drive away to you drug dealers house. 'I may be a stoner but I still hear you' you said to your self.

John : "why do you always flirt with Johnson.?"  He asks you. "Why do you always flirt with Madison?" You ask him. He looks at you. "I-" you cut him off. "Shut the fuck up! I know what you do. I'm not stupid you asshole!" You say mad. "What? Are you really telling me that I flirt with Madison when your all over my best friends!?" He yells at you. "You never pay attention to me!" You yell back. "Really? I fucking give you money when you whine for it. Your always out shopping and spending my money. And your telling me I don't pay attention to you? Well fuck you!" He yells at you. You felt really guilty. "John-" you got cut off by him slamming the door in your face. You phone dinged.
From John 💖:
Your walking around looking like Michael with my money

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