The Most Teenagery Thing He Surprised You With. 59

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Johnson : going to a diner for milkshakes.

He takes you to a a old 50's diner downtown dressed with a suit and you dressed in a red dress. You guys were just talking about the future while drinking from your milkshakes.

Nate : secret dance party

You and Nate were in spring break and didn't know what to do. So you guys went to this secret dance party. It's basically located in a building but in the basement and loads of teenagers go.

Sammy : drive in movie

It was your 2 year anniversary and Sammy wanted your date to be cliche. So he took you to see one of those old scary movies that are black and white in a drive-in. You guys had a make out session through half of the movie.

Gilinsky : throwing rocks at your window

You and Jack got in a huge argument over something stupid. So you got home you saw someone standing in front of your lawn throwing rocks at the window. You saw jack there. "Are you trying to wake up my parents cause that's their room." You say. He turns around and when he was about to say something your dad comes out with a angry face.

John : roller blading

Today was a perfect sunny day. Even though it was Winter and its supposed to be cold. John convinced you to go roller blading with him. Even though most of the time you guys were falling down on your asses you guys had so much fun. It was one of your best memories.

Guys!!! Im so sorry for not updating!!!
I'll update tomorrow I promise and the day after that cause I'm in Winter vocation!!! Whoop whoop!!! Anyways
Love you guys thank you so much for 11.6k readers you guys are amazing.
-Josselin Perez

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