First Kiss. 2

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Johnson : You and Jack were invited to a campfire. Your friend was hosting it at her beach house. Johnson was sitting next to his friends when you were with your friends. Shawn started playing his guitar and everybody was just focused on him singing. Oh god his voice it's relaxing. "[yourname] can I talk to you.?" He asks you. You nod and follow him to another spot. "What is up?" You say looking at his blue eyes. "Um. Well First of all... Look what is she doing?" He says pointing towards my friends. I turned around. "Wha-" I was cut of by his lips on my lips. He pulled me to his lap. Oh god his lips.

Nate : Nate invited you to a 'trip'. You obviously said yes. You put on something comfortable cause he said so. [lol]. You heard a horn and you smiled to yourself. Running down the stairs "hey Nate" you said sliding [into your dm's like] to the passenger seat. Hours later. You guys arrive in the woods. "C'mon lets go" he grabbed your hand and leads you through the woods. [into the woods. We go.] "oh my god. This. This is beautiful." You breath out. The view is breathtaking. You ran to the flowers while Nate tried to catch up to you. You got caught by Nate and he spun you around. He layed you down on the floor. All your surrendering is fill with purple and yellow flowers. He pulls you to his chest. You kept on looking into his eyes. Then B A M ! Your lips collided together.

Sammy : "let's go to that one" You said Pointing to the big roller coaster. "Um. Nah lets go eat." Sam said pulling me. "Awe. Is little mr. Wilk. A pussy?" You say. Teasing him. "N-no. Fine lets go" he said. You could feel his hand shake. You giggle. You guys were waiting in line and Sammy hands started sweating. You smirk and turned around. To hid your smirk. "Okay it's our turn lets go" Sammy said. You guys buckled up and the ride started. "Oh My-" Sammy didn't finish his sentence because it dropped and he screamed. You were laughing your ass off. You grab his face and kiss him. When you got out you went to check the photo. It's the one were you guys are kissing. "I'm so gonna buy that!" He said getting money out and buying it. You smiled and Though 'wow. I love him'.

Gilinsky : You and Jack were hanging out but we're bored out of your minds. "OMG lets make chocolate chip pancakes!" You yell. "Okay let's go" you guys walk in the kitchen and get everything out. You were mixing and he was putting the ingredients in. Jack goes behind you and hugs you. You stop doing what your doing and put music on. Fancy by Iggy comes on and you guys start dancing and singing to the words. You slip and Jack catches you. He starts leaning in when B A M ! You guys start kissing each other. The rest of the night you guys danced, ate pancakes, and cuddled.

John : "Wanna go stargazing ?" He asks you. You look at him. "Yes!" You yell. He laughs at you. You go get food and he gets blankets and pillows. You guys meet outside your backyard in your trampoline. You guys set up and lay down. "[yourname] I love being here with you. I can't wait to be with you for the rest of out lives" he says looking into your eyes. You smile. "I love you too. More then you can imagine." You guys start leaning in and kissed. You stop and smile. "Look a shooting star.!" You any amazed. "What did you wish for?" I ask. "I wish for you" he says kissing you. You guys fell asleep in the trampoline with you hands intertwined.

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