Meet Molson

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I can still remember the day, the day my life nearly ended.

It was a normal day, we were just going to the arena. The Canadians were playing, our hometown team. Mum was sitting in the passenger seat, next to my dad. I sat in middle back seat. The traffic was stopped in the on coming lane, due to the Jack-knifed 18 wheel that slipped of the road. It was a snowy December night. We were just about to the tractor trailer when car pulled out into our lane.

I don't know how long I was out for but I was in a back of an ambulance. I kept looking around for my mum and dad. Nobody would tell me where they were. I called out for them but nobody answered. My parents had died upon contact.

They didn't deserve to die, they were good people. My dad, was a French-Canadian military man. My mum was a Brit that moved to Canada before I was born. We were a happy family, a happy, perfect family.

I'm Molson Beaumont, I'm from Montreal. I'm eighteen years old. Played hockey and rugby. I now live with my grandparents and my cousin Karlie in England. It's April of 1981. I got a job sorting records and being an assistant at a recording studio, if I wasn't at school or rugby practice, I was there.

I used to come here every summer, I loved it here. That was before, now I just want to be home. My Montreal home, with my friends and my hockey team and my rugby team. At school I'm just that weird Canadian girl.

Oh well, only a couple more months.

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