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It's March 8th, two months to the day that we lost Steve. Everything was a blur for about two weeks. Nothing seemed real. We watched them put Steve in the ground but none of us were actually believing it. I think we all thought that Steve was just going to walk in the front door and yell "I'm Back!". Of course that never happened.

Molson went into labor early this morning. She's officially delivered all our children early, she was five weeks early this time. I think it has something to do with her size, she's too small so the babies can only get so big.

At 2:47pm on March 8th 1991, Molson brought our third child into the world. A beautiful baby girl. May was over the moon excited about having a baby sister, Xavier wasn't too happy he wanted a baby brother. From the minute I laid eye on our newly born baby daughter, I noticed something that was definitely different from our other two children. Our new born had the same blue eyes that May and Xavier have but on her head is little blonde strands of hair. This is our first baby to take after me with blonde hair.

As soon as the baby girl was laid on Molson's chest, my wife's chocolate eyes grew. Her eyes met mine and she mumbled one thing.


I didn't understand what she meant at first. I mean she's my daughter, at least as far as I know. But when I looked down to the hospital floor I saw so much blood, much more than with Xavier. Molson lost so much blood and shortly passed out.

When Molson woke up again after getting blood, she explained to me what she meant. Molson swore up and down that Steve Clark who has been dead for two months was in the delivery room with us. I know Steve was about as close to Molson and Rick is. Molson says that she could vividly remember his smile. She says his spirit was in the room with us. Then she saw the blonde hair on our newly born baby and knew that Steve was watching over us.

"That's crazy, baby." I say as I sit down beside her. She looks down at our new born.

"Might be crazy but it's what I saw." Molson states. "I wanna name her after Steve."

"But she's a girl." I remind her and she glares at me. I shouldn't have said that.

"I know Sav." She states. "Stephanie and we'll call her Stevie." I smile.

"I love it, love." I say then I laugh. "Steve wanted our next child to be named after him. Stephanie Katherine Savage."

"I love it." Molson says and kisses my cheek. "Just like I love you."

The band, Karlie, and May and Xavier all walk in. May and Xavier come over instantly and look at their new baby sister. Our kids sit up on the bed with us and Molson hands May our baby.

"We'd like everyone to meet Stephanie Katherine Savage, Stevie for short." My wife smiles her bright smile.

"Steve would've loved it." Phil says quietly but swallows down his sadness at his lost best friend.

"He always wanted he next one to be named after him." Rick smiles and kisses his baby sister's forehead.

"Mommy?" Xavier asks and Molson smiles.

"Yes my love?" She asks and runs her hand through his hair.

"Can we have another one so I can have a little brother?" He wonders and Molson laughs.

"Maybe eventually." She says.

Later that night when Molson is asleep on the hospital bed with Xavier and May I go for a walk to get some air, the hospital gets kinda stuffy after a while. I walk out into the cool spring night and look up at the stars.

"We miss you Stevie." I say quietly. "Molson and the kids probably more than anyone, except maybe Phil. We just had another one, Steve, named her Stephanie but we're gonna call her Stevie, after you. Molson swears she saw you in the delivery room but she lost quite a bit of blood. Steve just do me a favour alright? Keep an eye out for her and the kids, I'm gone quite a bit but I know you won't let anything happen to them." I wipe the tears from my cheeks. "Christ Stevie, we miss you."

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