Falling for Him

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"Molson." Karlie calls as I walk downstairs the next morning.

"Yes dear sweet cousin." I say as I enter the kitchen. I kiss my baby on her forehead. "Hi baby."

"Hi mommy." She responds.

"We have a problem." Karlie says looking up.

"What's the problem?" I wonder and she points up to the top shelf. May's sippy cups are up there. Grandad did the dishes I see.

"That's not a problem." I say hoping up on the counter.

"Mommy, are you sure that's a good idea?" May questions me.

"Here's a word of advice, if you mum came up with it, it's a bad idea." Steve says as he, Joe, and Phil walk in the back door.

"It is a good idea, May Flower, just don't ever try it." I say reaching up for the cups.

"We can always buy new cups." Karlie adds.

"It'll be fine." I say reaching up again. I grab the cups down. "See?" I say.

I step too far back and I get ready to hit the floor but it doesn't happen. I look up to see Sav holding onto me, he caught me. I meet his blue eyes again, my daughter's blue eyes. I'm still in love with him. They say that eyes are the gateway to the soul and if that's true, it's been killing Sav not being around me. Pain and sorrow wash over his eyes and that's the only reason why he'd look at me like that. I'm still the eighteen year old girl that loves him more than life itself.

"Thanks." I say quietly as he puts me on my feet.

"Are you okay?" His voice is full of real concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say as I walk to the fridge and grab the juice, I fill May's cup.

"I just got off the car phone, Rick's awake." Sav says excitedly.

"You're kidding." Phil wonders, he sits beside May playing with her.

"No, he woke up this morning. They said we can go up and see him later on." Sav says and I give May her cup.

We talk for a while longer as May eats her breakfast. Phil plays with her food, making a mess along the way.

"So, I noticed that yesterday you never told us who May's dad is." Joe brings it back up.

"Huh, I thought we had this conversation." I admit.

"No, you brushed it off." Steve adds. "Who's the father?"

"You don't know him." I lie and Karlie raises an eyebrow at me.

"So are you ever going to tell the father, Molson?" She wonders.

"Only if he wants to be in her life. There's no point in her getting her hopes up if he doesn't want anything to do with her." I explain.

"Vous avez à lui parler." Karlie speaks to me in fluent French. 'You've got to talk to him.' She had told me.

"I will, don't worry." I say and everyone looks at us confused. Karlie looks at them.

"I don't know about you lot, but I think Molson and Sav have to talk to each other." Karlie says.

"I think you're right." Joe says standing up.

They all leave the room so I'm left standing with Sav in the kitchen. He studies me carefully.

"Why'd you do it?" I ask after a while of just staring at each other.

"I was drunk, I didn't mean it. I loved you, honestly." Sav looks me right in the eye. His blue eyes make my insides turn to mush.

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