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We walk through the hospital up to Rick's room. Sav's fingers are laced through mine and I'm holding onto May. It all feels so right, I mean Sav and May, not Rick being laid up in the hospital. We walk up to the door as Rick's parents and this girl walk out.

Rick's mum hugs me and kisses May on the forehead. The girl that walked out just kinda looked at me. I shoot a confused glance at her before she walks up to me.

"Who are you?" She eyes me.

"Who are you?" I ask and she kinda smiles.

"I'm Rick's girlfriend, Miriam." The girlfriend says with an airy tone.

"That's nice, I'm his sister." I say, I am his sister.

"You're American." Miriam assures me.

"Nope, I'm Canadian. There's some that would kill you for saying that to them." I admit and Sav smiles. "Now, if you don't mind, girlfriend."

I shove past her and May sticks out her tongue at her, I pretend to not see and try to conceal a laugh. I unlace my fingers from Sav's and put May in her feet. I kneel down in front of her and look her in the eyes.

"Okay baby, Rick's in some pretty rough shape. I need you to be good, alright?" I say and she smiles.

"I know, Mommy." May says and I grab her hand. "Mommy, I gotta potty."

"Okay baby." I say and I look up at the boys. "I'll be back in a minute."

"We can wait for you, you know?" Phil says and I shake my head.

"I'll be right back, don't get lost now." I say and Sav kisses my forehead.

"You're in our country, remember?" He says quietly before going into the room.


"How's it that I've been in a car wreck and I still don't look as bad as you lot?" Rick wonders as soon as we get in the door. We haven't been sleeping.

"We've been so worried about you, we haven't had a chance to rest." Phil says with a smile, Rick laughs.

"Some way to get a vacation." Rick says to Joe, they'd been arguing about vacation time.

"It's not like the job's hard." Steve speaks up.

"Decent pay and no heavy lifting." Phil adds.

"I'm not exactly qualified to do that anymore, the lifting." Rick says half heartedly. "Hey, I had a dream that Molson was back."

"Was she talking about riding bikes without helmets?" Steve wonders.

"Yeah, actually. How'd you know that?" Rick wonders and we laugh.

"She's here, mate. She's gorgeous!" Phil says and looks over to me. "Sorry, Sav." 

"She's here?" Rick asks. "And you're back together?"

"Yeah she's here and we're kinda sorta." I admit.

"Where is she then?" Rick wonders.

"Full of questions are we?" Joe smiles as the door opens.

Karlie, Molson, and May walk in. I still can't believe I helped make her, she's beautiful like Molson.  Molson walks over and kisses Rick's forehead, like Rick always does to her and smiles at him.

"You ever get out of this bed, I'm going to kill you." She says quietly and Rick smiles.

"Miss me, did you? You look like hell." He replies.

"You're talking?" Molson wonders and he laughs.

"Fair enough. Have you been sleeping?" Rick wonders in that big brother way.

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