May's Birthday

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The next few weeks fly by. We're back in London, I've been busy with the paperwork to become citizens here. Rick is doing a lot better, he's developing that whole one armed drummer idea a bit better and I think it'll actually work. May's name is officially May Rose Savage, we changed it as soon as we got back to London. Sav's name is now on her birth certificate and we're officially a twisted family. I'm also about ninety-five percent sure my dear sweet cousin is hooking up with someone in the band.

For May's third birthday, we decided to have the party at the hospital so Rick could be there as well. May has adopted all of the Leppards as uncles so that adds to the twisted family. Steve, Phil, Joe, and Sav were at the hospital decorating the room as much as they could before the doctors and nurses got pissed off at us. Karlie and I were keeping May entertained while all of this was going on.

"Where are we going?" May wonders from her car seat.

"We're just driving around, May Flower." I tell her.

"Where's Daddy and Uncle Phil, Uncle Steve, and Uncle Joe? Did they forget my birthday?" She asks worried.

"No sweet angel, they didn't. We'll meet up with them later." Karlie assures her.

We drive for a while longer and May falls asleep. I look back at my sleeping baby.

"I can't believe it's been three years." I say quietly so I don't wake her.

May came two weeks early. Karlie  and I were walking around the grocery store because that's what we do when we're board. All of a sudden, I feel like a pissed myself and pain washed over my body. I was in labor for twelve long hours before May was born. I remember laying in the bed watching the contraction machine go wild every once in a while.

I remember debating on calling Sav and telling him everything, it was the middle of the night and to be honest I wasn't sure where he was. In that moment, I wanted nothing more for the door to open and him to walk in, telling me that everything will be okay and that he loves me. I watched for hours as husbands watched their wives in labor and holding their new born child. I wanted Sav, for the first time in nine months I wanted Sav, I needed Sav.

I remember crying because I knew that my mum wanted to be a grandmum as much as she wanted to be a mum. I knew in my heart that she was there and so was my dad, I knew they weren't pleased at the circumstances but they were there.

They told me it was time to start pushing. Through the pain of that, I'd close my eyes and saw white not black. I wasn't sure if it was because of the bright lights of the delivery room or if I was actually dying. It was the worst possible pain I could think of. I remember hearing my mum's voice in my head and I was sure I was dying again.

4:57am May came into this world, screaming and I'm sure if she could she would've been cussing. They put her up on my chest right after and I remember thinking that this was just a dream. That I didn't just give birth. There was no way I made that, she's too close to perfect. When she opened her eyes, I cried again. Sav's beautiful blue eyes stared back at me.

The doctor told me to sleep afterwards but I couldn't, I just kept looking at her in the incubator. A prefect sleeping angel.

Three years later, that prefect sleeping angel is sleeping in the back of her Aunt Karlie's car. Her daddy is in her life and he loves her like crazy. She has some of the most insane uncles anyone could ever dream of. May has the prefect family that she deserves.


"I'm telling you, I'm not wearing that." Rick is sitting at the end of the hospital bed.

Steve and Phil flank him, both holding onto party hats.

"Rick, you have one arm. We have the advantage here." Steve pokes fun at him. "See?"

Steve wraps his arms around Rick as Phil straps the hat on him.

"Tada." Phil smiles, Rick even half smiles.

May, my daughter, turns three today. Bloody hell. I'm insanely excited for her birthday, I mean it's the first one I've ever been around for. At the same time, I'm kicking myself, I get the easy part. Molson had to go through doctors appointments, and birth pretty well alone (aside from Karlie). I should've been with her, I should've been there while she was going through this unimaginable pain.

My grip slips on the ballon I was trying to blow up and it flys across the room, hitting Phil in the face. We all laugh but Phil holds up the ballon.

"Watch where you're blowing these, then. You'll take someone's bloody eye out." Phil smiles

"I want to know how the nurses haven't ripped us a new one yet." Joe speaks up.

"Maybe they think it's Rick's birthday and when we leave they'll send in the little blonde--" Steve's sick thought was cut off by the door opening and the girls walking in.

We laugh and have a good time for a while and making a mess of Rick's room with streamers and wrapping paper. I sit the window ledge with my arms wrapped around Molson, we watch our daughter play with Phil and Steve (who are pretty close to children as it is). Rick and Joe sit on the edge of his bed as watch them play to. I'm not one hundred precent where Karlie went.

Ten minutes later, Karlie walks in with a cake with a lit number three candle on it. She puts it on the table and Phil looks up.

"I didn't think we were aloud to have an open flame in the hospital." He states and Karlie shrugs.

"We have to do this quick." Karlie says picking up May and toting her to the table. She looks over at us. "You two come here."

We do as we're told and we flank our daughter, both of us getting to her level. Molson clearly knows what's coming and since she hates her picture being taken, has taken quite an interest in explaining what to do to May. I watch her and smile, and I hear the click of Karlie's camera. Hopefully that was good enough.

"Oi! You three look hear. That means you Molson." Karlie bugs her cousin.

Reluctantly, Molson listens and smiles at the camera. Karlie snaps the picture and May quickly blows out the candle.

"Hey little one, what did you wish for?" Rick asks May.

"If I say it, it won't come true." May says matter of factly and I look at Rick.

"She's got a point." I admit and everyone laughs.

It starts to get late and May's getting sleepy. Before we go, Karlie gets the nurse to snap a picture of all us. We say goodbye to Rick and we pack up and head home.

May had fallen asleep in Molson's arms on the walk to the car. I watch as Molson sets her in the car seat, careful not to hit her head or wake her. She gently tightens the belts before kissing her forehead and crawling back up beside me in the passenger seat.

"I can't believe she's three." Molson admits on our way home.

"I haven't believed anything for a while now." I admit and she looks over to me confused. "Everything has kinda been surreal for the past while. With Rick's accident, you coming back into my life, May, all of it."

"Better start believing it." Molson smiles. "It's not going to change anytime soon."

"Promise me, love?" I plead and she nods.

"You can bet your life on it." She assures me.

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