May Flowers

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"No, no!" Molson cries in her sleep.

I roll over to see her moving around in her sleep. She must be having a nightmare. Molson is usually so peaceful when she sleeps, but more and more she seems to be having nightmares.

We've been together almost a month. The band and Karlie have really excepted it, my parents to. Her grandparents aren't pleased about it. Molson says not to worry and that her grandparents don't like don't like anyone, Rick tells me that to. A lot of the time we sleep at my apartment so she doesn't get in trouble. But we do go back to her grandparents a lot. As for Molson's nightmares, they're usually short lived due to the fact that she walks herself up.

"Mum!! Dad!!" She yells, that's new.

Molson sits up crying her eyes out. I sit up beside her and rub her back. Her face falls into her hands and she starts to cry harder. Her crying is short lived and Molson sits up straighter, wiping her eyes.

"I'm sorry I woke you up." She says quietly and I smile.

"I was already up, I can't sleep." I admit and she sighs.

"I wish I couldn't." Molson mutters, I don't think I was supposed to hear that.

"Babe, it'll get better. I promise." I say and I wish I knew it would. "You have school later on, you should get some sleep."

Molson lays back down and I wrap my arms around her tightly. Her breathing starts to relax. I burry my face in her hair and run my fingers along her bare stomach, I feel her abs. I breathe in her cherry blossom scent and that's when I hear a soft.

"I love you, Rick." Molson's voice is quiet and sweet, like she's falling asleep.

I love her, I really do but I'm not ready to tell her. I might just scare her, I don't want to scare her off, I mean I love her. But if she can tell me that she loves me, then I should tell her, right?

I debate this until I fall asleep again.


I walk down the hall with a girl I play rugby with. All the girls wear matching uniforms, boys wear the guy's version of the same outfit. The hall is crowded between classes. I walk up to my locker and start to do my combination. I see blue jeans out the corner of my eye and look back confused.

At the end of the hall, sticking out like a sore thumb, is Def Leppard. A couple of the girls whisper about who's over there, mainly the girls I don't like. Leaving my locker open, I walk over to them. I instantly wrap my arms around Sav and hug him tightly. He kisses me gently on the lips.

"You look sexy in your uniform, Love." He says in my ear.

I pull back and Sav pulls me into his side. Sav leaves his hand on my skirt, earning glares from the other girls. I put my hand on his chest. I look up at band and smile.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I wonder and Pete smiles.

"Breaking you out." He says with a laugh.

"Girls hate you here, huh?" Rick says pointing at the girls giving me dirty looks.

"Just a bit, I'll be right back. I've gotta go get my stuff." I say and Sav grabs my hand.

"Okay, come on." Sav says pulling me back to my locker.

We get to my locker and I start to pack my books in my bag. Sav stands behind me looking at the pictures hanging on my door. There's a picture of me and my parents. I share brown eyes with my mum and I got my dad's dark hair. There's a picture of Karlie and I. Then a picture of the boys and I, at the pub the night I met them. Finally, a picture of Sav and I, he holds me from behind and is kissing my cheek. On the white boarder of the Polaroid I wrote Mon Amour, French for my love.

"I love this picture of us." He says as he lifts it up with his finger.

"Yeah, me to." I say as I bend down to get the last of my books. "You're checking out my ass aren't you?" He laughs.

"Yeah, I am actually." Sav says as he wraps his hand around my waist. I turn around and I brush my lips against his.

"I love you." I say quietly and I grab my bag. "You ready?"

"Yeah, I am."  Sav says as I lock my lock.

We walk down the oath of the garden. The rest of the band walks slightly a head of us.

"The flowers are really pretty." Sav smiles. "Like you."

"Thanks, babe." I say and put my head on his arm. "My dad used to say April showers bring May flowers."

"You know that could mean something other than flowers." He looks down at me.

"Yeah?" I asks.

"It could mean like yesterday's pain gives me a reason to smile today." Sav smiles. "I know you don't like talking about it but your parent's accident caused you to move here. Here you met me and Rick and yeah."

"You're May flowers." I say and he shakes his head.

"If anything, you're May flowers." He squeezes my hand. "My flower."

"Ma fleur." I mutter. That's the other thing my dad used to call me.

"You're a million times prettier than any flower." Sav says and kisses my hair.

I just want him to say that he loves me, I know it in my heart. But I just want to hear it, he writes such beautiful songs, he should be able to say those three words. Sav, why can't you just say it? Hmm, I love you Sav. So much.

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