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"Sav, can you at least tell me where we're going?" I wonder and he laughs dragging me along with him.

"Sorry, love it's a surprise." He says as we get to the car.

We had just dropped May off at my grandparents and now Sav is all excited to take me somewhere. We get into his car and he holds my hand as he drives. As always, fingers laced through mine, his thumb brushing across my thumb.

We pull up to the recording studio that I used to work at and we get out. Sav leads me through the halls and into a studio. Without any dialogue, he starts to mess around with the recording system. He looks so insanely focused that it he sticks he tongue out slightly.

I wrap my arms around his shoulders and watch him turn dials and adjust different things. I kiss his cheek while he works, Sav smiles when I do so. Eventually Sav hands me a set of headphones and smiles at me.

"One of the songs we're working on has Morse Code at the beginning. We're all curious to see what it's actually saying." He explains and I nod.

"Okay." I pull on the headset and he hits play on it.

It goes by fast but I can tell by the time gaps that's it's a four word formation on a constant loop, like a distress signal. I get him to play it again and I grab a pen. I'm able to separate the letters in my head and I start to jot down what I think on the inside of my arm. By the third time, Sav gets me to sit where he was sitting. I'm able to decode it in my head without stopping to think what words the letters formed. I listen one last time to the formation just to be sure. There's no way I've got it wrong now. I look down at my arm to see first, the Morse Code formation.

.-- .. .-.. .-.. / -.-- --- ..- / -- .- .-. .-. -.-- / -- . ..--..
Will you marry me.

"Babe, the beginning of your song is saying 'will you marry me' on a constant loop." I say and I turn back.

"I know, Love." He says simple.

Sav is on one knee, holding up a box with a ring in it. Crucified Christ. He's asking me to marry him. Yeah, I love him like crazy but marriage is this huge thing. It's promising to be with this one person for the rest of my life, for the rest of his life. At least if we're married, Sav won't cheat. Will he? Would he break the most holy bond? At the same time, I want to marry Sav. I want to be this prefect little family with our daughter.

When he says he loves me, I know it's true because I love him. It's like being eighteen again and being positive I wanted to be his girlfriend. I've been in love with him since the minute I first laid eyes on him. I never stopped loving him to be honest. I remember bawling my eyes out every time I saw him on TV, knowing that I loved him but in that moment I was just a random girl watching from miles away. I remember walking past the phone and wanting to call him, telling him that I was just and idiot for leaving at that I still loved him with all my heart. I can't go through something like that again. I want to marry him, like I wanted to be his girlfriend. Those are the two things I've every been absolutely positive on.

"Molson Katherine Beaumont, will you make me the happiest man on the planet and marry me?" Sav smiles brightly again.

"Yeah, yes." I say and his smile broadens.

"You're screwing with me, right?" He wonders picking me up.

"No, I'm not. I want to marry you." I tell him.

I pick up his face as kiss him. His fingers loop in my belt loops. Somehow we managed to go back in time. It's like we're kissing in the street four years ago. I'm eighteen and he's twenty, nearly twenty one. I didn't think it was possible at the time but I love him more today than I did that day.

"Molson Katherine Savage, I think it sounds great." Sav says when we pull away.

"I don't think I've heard anything better." I smile and he brushes his lips on mine.

"It's not a song at all." He smiles. "I got May to teach me Morse Code and just recorded it."

"That makes a lot more sense." I admit and Sav laughs. "I love you."

"I love you to." He tells me.

Sav puts me back on my feet and slides the ring onto my finger. It's sliver and has a singular diamond on it. I remember something my mum said once; simple elegance is something to strive for. This hit it right on the head.

"It's beautiful." I tell him and he smiles.

"So are you." Sav says as he kisses my forehead.

That's about the time we hear the argument from outside the door.

"Oi, Phil shut up. I can't hear anything!" Steve snaps.

"You think she said yes?" Joe wonders.

"If you two would shut up, I could hear." Steve grumbles.

"Maybe if you'd just block us out, and did your job right. Christ on the cross." Phil mutters. Sav smiles.

"Shouldn't have told them." He laughs.

Sav opens the door and band members fall into the floor in front of us. Steve looks like he was holding a glass up to the door, Joe and Phil were clearly close by because they land on top of Steve. Steve groans and pushes his friends off him.

"We were um, recording in the studio over there." Steve lies and we smile.

"Mate, they know." Joe speaks up.

"Say yes, then?" Phil asks and I nod.

"Yeah, I did." I smile.

"Oi! Congratulations!" Phil says as he stands up.

Then spend the next ten minutes congratulating us. Before we all head over to the hospital to bug Rick.

Rick is happy for us but in his big brother way, tells Sav that if he hurts me that he'll kill him. We all thought that was kinda funny but I know Rick and even with one arm, he'd find a way to kill him.

When we tell my grandparents, they seem like they're actually going to warm up to Sav. Like that he's more than that famous bassist that got the eighteen year old granddaughter pregnant. Now he's the famous bassist that want to marry the granddaughter and be a good father to their daughter.

Karlie was over the moon thrilled. Like for her it was the biggest finally moment she could think of. She knows how much pain that caused because of wanting this on my part. She knows I'm happy now.

Sav's family is supportive, like they always have been.

May doesn't exactly realize what it means but she know that it means we're going to be a family forever.

Forever, it sounds crazy but I wouldn't mind forever like this. With this twisted family I have, with the man I love, with my baby daughter. It sounds good to me.

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