The Gerries

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I get home after work to find my grandad sitting in his rocking chair watching the news. My grandad is a war vet. He fought in World War Two as a soldier. He remembers fragments of the war once in a while, like when somebody knocks on the door. Other than that, he's blocked the war out. I can't say I blame him, I've read up on the war.

I walk into the kitchen to see Karlie standing on the counter, looking for a coffee mug. Karlie is about my height so she struggles living in this house designed by my grandad who's 6"4". I sit down at the table and start my homework.

I was smart in Canada, here not so much. The classes are harder than ever, so much homework I want to rip my eyes out. I feel like I have disadvantage here, growing up in a different country. I can tell you anything about any Canadian leaders but I don't know squat about British rulers. I pull out the book I got from the library, I should start my essay on Henry VIII. I flip through the book half heartedly when I hear a crash.

"The Gerries!" I hear from the living room.

"Don't worry grandad." I say and look at the broken mug on the floor. "It was just Karlie, she broke a mug."

I barley write Henry VIII on the top of my paper before my grandad yells for the Gerries again. There was a knock on the door, Karlie runs to get it. Disposing of the glass in her hand as she walks by the trash, rubbish they call it.

"Don't worry, grandad, it's just the door." Karlie assures him. "The Gerries would come in the back door."

I hear the old wooden door open with a scream of pain by the hinges. I hear foot steps walk in the living room and up to the kitchen door. The band enters the kitchen, making them selves at home. Looking through the fridge and cabinets. I close my books as Rick kisses the top of my head and sits down beside me.

"What are you working on?" He wonders opening my books back up.

"Henry VIII." I say and he nods.

"Know nothing about him, I see." Rick points to the pile of books.

"We didn't learn about him at home and everyone in my class knows like his blood type." I admit and he smiles.

"Should've moved here sooner." He says with a laugh. "What we're his wive's names?" He quizzes me.

"Uhh," I think and he laughs.

I remember the rhyme the teacher taught me King Henry VIII, to six wives he was wedded. Two divorced, two beheaded, one died, and one survived.

"Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Kathryn Howard, and Katherine Parr." I think back in my head.

"You should remember at least three of them, Molson. You share a name with them." Karlie adds. "I share a name with two of the others."

She wasn't lying, Molson Katherine and Karlie Anne. When I was little my dad used to call me M.K. To bug my mum. My grandmum walks down the stairs, looks in the kitchen and leaves again.

"She's still a ray of sunshine." Rick says and I smile.

"Same old, same old."  I admit.

We talk for a while and one by one the boys start to disappear. Soon it's just Rick, Sav, Karlie and I. Sav had sat at the table and Karlie had taken her seat of the counter. Soon enough Rick gets up and kisses my head.

"Be good." He reminds me.

"I am good." I say and he laughs.

"Getting sent home from school for fighting?" Rick asks and I shrug. "You don't have a mark on you."

"I'm just better at fighting than the other girls." I say and he laughs.

"I'll see you sorry lot later." He calls existing the back door. Sav looks over to me.

"Wanna go on a walk?" He ask and I nod, thinking that was code for we have to talk.

I wave bye to Karlie and we walk out the back door as well. We walk up the road and around the corner in silence.

Sav turns to me and leans down, crashing his lips into mine again. I kiss him back and his hands find my hips, running his fingers in my belt loops. My toes curl in my Chuck Taylor's as the kiss deepens. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and he stands up straight, picking me up off the ground. I'm not sure how long we were kissing before Sav pulled back. His blue eyes study mine and he smiles sweetly.

"I want to do that all the time." He says and I smile.

"Me to." I admit and he puts me back on the ground.

"Then there's only one thing to do." Sav says taking my hand again.

"What's that?" I wonder and he smiles.

"You've got to be my girlfriend." He says.

"Alright." I say and he grips my hand tighter.

Sav leans down and kisses my forehead as we walk. I'm overjoyed, Sav wanted me to be his girlfriend this whole time? Thank every God in heaven.

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