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"I feel stupid." I admit.

I look at myself in the mirror. I thought the school uniform was bad, was I ever wrong. I wear this slim wedding gown that just barley covers my feet. My hair is neatly set in curls that are pinned back behind my ears, I miss having them fall over my shoulders. I can barley walk in the shoes I'm wearing, I told Sav I was taking them off when we were finished.

It's a sunny day in September. We're in this pretty church in Sheffield, there's only close family here. I mean I have three living family members. It's mainly the band, Karlie, my grandparents, May, Rick's mum and dad (since they're like my family), and Sav's family. Maybe seventy people if we're lucky.

"You look beautiful." Karlie assures me.

She wears a ruby coloured dress that falls past her knees, her blonde hair is tired back in a bun thing.

"I feel like I'm gonna puke." I admit as the door behind me opens.

"Don't do that!" Rick calls as he walks in carrying May.

May wears a red flower girl dress and Rick is holding her basket of flower petals. How he's doing it all with one arm is beyond me. He puts her on her feet and she runs up to me.

"Mommy!" She cries as I pick her up.

We look at our reflections in the mirror.

"We look pretty." May smiles.

"Yeah we do, baby." I smile.

"Everyone else looks pretty to. Daddy and the Uncles are all dressed up." She explains to me.

"Yeah?" I ask and I see Rick smile.

"Sav's a nervous wreck." He tells me. "And you feel like you're gonna puke. You're a perfect match."

"May Flower, let's go see Grandmum. Okay, love?" Karlie asks her and she nods. "Give mum a kiss then."

May kisses my lips and tells me that she loves me before Karlie takes her from my arms. They barley get to he door before May yells.


Karlie totes her back over to us and she kisses my lips again. May smiles.

"Daddy said to give that to you and tell you that he loves you." May tells me and I kiss her again.

"Then go give that to Daddy and tell him I love him more." I smile and she nods.

"Okay, mommy!" She says as Karlie takes her out the door.

I sit down beside Rick and put my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm  up and around my face and kisses my forehead.

"You gonna be okay, love?" He wonders.

"I miss my parents." I admit quietly as the tears well up in my eyes. I reach up to wipe them.

"Oi, don't you that. Karlie will kill you if you screw up your makeup." Rick hands me a tissue and I gently wipe my eyes.

"I don't wear bloody makeup and bloody dresses." I mutter and Rick laughs.

"You look gorgeous, little sister." Rick tells me and I smile.

"I feel ridiculous but thank you." I say and he grabs my hand.

"Your folks would be proud of you." He tells me. "I'm serious, you were a badass single mum for nearly three years. You gotta get points for that." I laugh and he smiles. "There it is. Don't cry anymore, s'posed to be the happiest day of your life."

"Sav's a nervous wreck, you say?" I ask and he smiles.

"Yeah, he's freaking out. Joe's freaking out about the whole best man thing. I've never seen that man get stage fright before." Rick explains and I smile.

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