One Armed Drummer

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"I'm a drummer." Rick keeps says over and over again.

He's woken up from the amputation surgery, the infection was spreading they had to remove the arm. We've been waiting for hours to see him. May is with Sav's parents, aside from her everyone is here.

It's quiet for a long time, Rick is mindlessly mumbling about being a drummer. We all watch him like he might spontaneously combust. The doctor says he'll make a full recovery, he's not full he has one arm.

"I was thinking about it, what if I could play my left hand part and my left foot part all with my left foot?" Rick breaks up the silence.

We're all quiet for a while, thinking it through. I don't know the first thing about drums, only what Rick had showed me as kids but that consisted of a lot of Led Zeppelin. I think it could work. I feel like Sav thinks the same thing.

"I think it could work." I admit and he smiles.

"I've been screwing around with songs that the radio plays and I'm pretty sure it could work." Rick says.

"I mean if anyone can do it you can." Sav speaks up, Rick looks up at him confused.

"Where's May?" He wonders.

"With my parents." Sav tells him.

"I can do it." Rick tells himself again.

The nurse walks in and tells us Rick needs to rest. I kiss Rick's forehead and tell him I'd be back in the morning. I walk down the hall of the hospital, Sav holding my hand, his fingers laced through mine and his thumb brushing against mine. He looks over at me and kisses my cheek.

"Does this mean you'll sleep now?" He wonders. "Rick's okay."

"I know and I'm going to try to sleep." I say and Sav smiles.

"Good." He tells me. "I love you, you know that right?"

"Yeah Sav, I know. I love you to."  I assure him.

We make it out to Sav's car and I walk up to the passenger side. Sav smiles at me.

"I thought I was driving." He says with a laugh.

I look down into the car window and scowl, I went to the American passenger side, the British driver side.

"Stupid British cars." I mutter walking around the car.

I make it to the opposite side and Sav smiles down at me.

"What was that?" He asks.

"I said stupid British cars." I smile up at him.

Sav laughs and kisses me gently before open the door for me. I sit in the car and he closes the door. When Sav gets in the car, he takes my hand again.

"Are we picking up May?" I wonder and he shakes his head.

"My mum has been a grandma for four days, we should give her at least the night." Sav laughs. "Have you ever spent time away from her?"

"No." I admit and he laughs.

"It'll be alright." He assures me.

"Then where are we going?" I wonder and he smiles.

"The pub then my place. There's something's we can't do with our daughter in the next room." Sav winks and I smile.

We pull up to the pub and go in, meeting up with the rest of the band along the way. We sit at a table and drink our worries about Rick. Sav's arm is wrapped around my shoulders, holding me close to him.

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