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We walk out of the church to go get pictures done. May walks ahead of us with Phil, I hold onto Molson's hand as she stumbles in her shoes.

"Nique ta mere!!" Molson mutters and I laugh.

"Sounds sexy, love." I say and she smiles.

"Not really. I just said fuck your mother." She admits and I remember something.

"Hold on." I say as I walk away.

Molson starts muttering in French, I'm not quite sure what she said which is probably for the best. I walk into the room we were in previously. I had grabbed her red Chuck Taylor's, I knew those shoes weren't going to last long. I get back to my wife and I hold up her shoes, she lights up.

"I love you!" She nearly yells while she hugs me. I kiss her hair.

"Considering what we just did that's good." I laugh and Molson smiles.

She sits on the counter in the kitchen area and laces up her shoes. Leaving her pointy shoes on the counter. Molson spins around and I laugh.

"It's so much better!!" She beams.

We get our pictures taken and then go to the reception hall.

It's filled with people. We have an open bar (with the terror twins it might not have been the best idea) and people are drinking and having fun. We sit down and we eat and talk (yell) at each other. That's about the time Rick, Joe, and Karlie started their speeches. Joe was first.

"Okay so for those of you who don't know the story, I'm going to tell you the story of how Molson and Sav met. So it was way back in '81, we were all in the recording studio. Not Phil, he wasn't around yet. Mutt was telling us that this song was going to go over great, it sucks that me couldn't be here, I didn't believe it. Mutt calls in this tiny brunette and tells her to listen to it. Sav lights up upon seeing her. She tells us the song is great and she has this accent. Sav speaks up and says that he loves her accent and where she was from. After saying she was Canadian, bloody Rick speaks up and starts talking to her like they were old friends! I tell you, you could see Sav's reaction change completely. Like he was thinking 'bloody fucking hell, it's Rick's ex-girlfriend'." Joe explains.

"Oi! I remember that!" Steve nearly yells. Molson smiles at me.

"I forgot they were there." I admit and she laughs.

"They broke up for a while. Sav was completely devastated. When Rick had his accident, Molson's big sister instincts kicked in and she made her way back to London. When Sav saw her that day sitting in the hospital, it was the same look he had in that recording studio. Sav has been completely in love with Molson for years now and no act of God can change it. To them!!" Joe finishes and they clap.

He wasn't lying. I'm have been in live sight her all this time.


"Okay! It's my turn to talk now!" Rick calls and I smile, this is going to be fun. "So as most of you know, Molson has been my little sister since we were about four. I got my head stuck in the fence, it's a great story! But I'm going to tell you about the day after. Molson if you haven't realized yet, can shoot out insults and cusses that would make a sailor blush, in English or French. She's always been like it, even when she was four. So I heard her mutter cock-sucker under her breath--you remember this story mum?" Rick points to her and I laugh. "Long story short, I went home and said it, thinking it was Canadian for something. I got in so much trouble and mum got Molson grounded. Be careful, Sav! She's a bit of a trouble maker! In all honesty, I don't think there's a better match for my sister than Sav. Congratulations guys!"

"Okay me now!!" Karlie calls.

"Good god in heaven." I mutter and put my hand to my forehead. Sav hears me and laughs, grabbing my hand.

"It'll be okay, love." He tells me.

"So I've been through everything with Molson. I was there when her mum pushed her out !" Karlie laughs. This is going to be fun. "Like I heard Sav and Molson shagging that first night! I've never seen this side of Molson. She actually cared about someone, I mean something other than rugby or hose Habs. I thought Sav and her were perfect for each other. When they broke up, Molson cried all the time, she'll never admit it but we lived together. When May came along, she was happy but kept crying. She'd mutter in her sleep 'those eyes'. I was confused for a while but then I realized that May has Sav's eyes. I always knew I'd be up here giving a speech at their wedding and here I am. Here's to you!"

We smash cake in each other's faces and laugh and dance and drink a lot.  It was a prefect party for us lot.

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