Day 9: M*A*S*H Compound, 0430 Hours

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Day 9: M*A*S*H Compound, 0430 Hours

Jess had to figure out where to start looking for Dalli. She had begun to worry because she hadn't seen any footprints in the mud to follow, so she ran up to the helicopter pad to see if she could find anything that might help her find her cousin.

Meanwhile, B.J. had gotten permission to borrow a jeep to go look for the two teenage girls.

"Hawkeye, let's go," B.J. commanded, sounding worried but trying to keep it under control.

Hawkeye was wondering why Jess had promised Dalli that she wouldn't tell anyone about the notes they had written, but then again Dalli never gave anyone a direct answer or reason for anything.

Jess was about to head back to the M*A*S*H compound to go down a different road leading out of the camp to search for Dalli when the jeep, with B.J. driving and Hawkeye in the passenger seat, pulled up beside her.

"Get in. We'll help you look for her," Captain Pierce said, and Jess hopped in the back.

"I don't know where she could be," she admits miserably.

"Don't worry, we'll find her," B.J. tried to reassure Jess.

Jess stared miserably out at the passing landscape.

"We should head to the orphanage, Dalli might have gone back that way because she knows the territory," Hawkeye suggested.

"That's a good idea," B.J. agreed as they sped through the M*A*S*H compound and followed the road leading to the orphanage, and beyond that the nearest city where a U.S. military base was stationed.

M*A*S*H 4077 By Taylor Froelich and Sammi SimonarWhere stories live. Discover now