10. The Crash

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"Listen, man, I'm so sorry about going behind your back," I admit.

"It's completely fine, dude." Andrew finally admits.

A guy comes behind Andrew and they both do the bro handshake.

"What's up, bro!" The guys say.

"Hey!" Andrew says. "I didn't think I would see you here!"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world!" He shouts over the music. "Hey, we still going to that Coldplay concert tomorrow right?"

"Oh yeah, man! I'm obviously going!" Andrew says confusing me.

"Woah, Woah, Woah," I say confused. "Coldplay concert? I thought we were going together."

"Oh, I forgot to mention. Since we're not friends anymore, I gave your ticket to Jude." He explains with an innocent smile.

"What?!" I shout. "Andrew, how could you do this? I bought the tickets!"

"Oh, sorry, man." He says not meaning it at all.

"Wow," I say. "I never thought that you were such a fake friend."

Andrew stares at me in shock. Apparently, this hurt him more than it was originally supposed to. "Dude it's just some tickets. Chill."

"No!" I shout. "I'm not gonna chill!"

I feel Bree's hand pulling me to the door. I angrily stare at Andrew. My vision starts becoming blurry because of how mad I am. Bree [almost] throws me into the car and shuts the drivers door. She goes around the jeep and gets on the passenger side.

"Why don't you drive?" I tell her trying to get my vision straight. "My vision is blurry."

"I can't." She says. "Got my license taken away for being in that fight with Cale."

"Okay." I say.

My stomach starts grumbling.

"Are you okay?" Bree asks.

"Yeah, yeah," I say. "It's starts doing that when I feel that something bad is going to happen."

"Everything is going to be fine." She says. "Hey, can I stay in your house for about 2 hours? My dad and his girlfriend have a date night at the house and I don't want to see her."

"Yeah sure," I say without asking questions.

"Did I tell you? My dad and his girlfriend are trying for a baby." She says.

"Isn't this a little too much information, Bree?" I ask looking up from my headache.

"I was just telling you. You could have taken that any way you wanted." She says. "I'm just being real with you. Plus, we've gotten to the point where I can tell you even the most intimate thing and it won't turn awkward."

"Hmm, you're right." I agree. I have to agree that when she said that I didn't feel awkward or overwhelmed. It's just felt like a natural conversation between me and her.

I drive to my house. Bree decides to turn on the radio and "Centuries" by Fall Out Boy is playing. We both start singing at literally 10 p.m. In the middle of the deserted street. It ends and "watch me" comes on. We both start wiping and dancing. While I drive home. My vision is still blurry, but I can see enough to know when to stop and where to turn. Bree starts recording us dancing and singing to the radio music.

We finally arrive at the last turn before we get to my house. We still have to cross a street. Youree Dr. It is the busiest road in the whole State. This road gets you everywhere, literally. Cars come and go almost as fast as you blink. It's pretty dangerous, but I have managed to go through it hundreds of times. I stop and look both ways. I wait for there to be time for me to go through, but meanwhile, I start singing "No air" with Bree. This is literally our own party.

"Be careful on this street," Bree warns. "You don't want to accidentally step on the wrong pedal..."

"Are you kidding?" I say. "For nothing in the world will I ever-"

Bree pushes my leg on the gas pedal. The car advances a little and then stops. It took about one second but it was enough for me to have a mini heart attack.

"Bree!" I shout. "Don't do that!"

"Oh, relax." She says. "It's not like I will do it again."

"Seriously don-"

She does it again and the car goes and stops. Another mini heart attack.

"Bree!" I shout again. "I'm dead serious!"

"You're too stressed out." She says. "I'm trying to help you relax."

"Bree if you do that one more time!" I shout.

"You'll what?" She dares.

She pushes my leg again and the car goes straight into the road. I see bright white lights and Bree screams. Then, everything goes black.
. . .
I open my eyes and the whole room is white. The smell of alcohol is strong. I see some people with blue shirts and pants. They have something blue covering their mouths and they have blue hats covering their hair. They are holding metal things in their hands, but I can't seem to make out the figure of it.

A lady notices that I am awake and stares at me in shock. "Doctor, he's up!"

A man looks at me in disbelief. He runs to a table and 5 other people go behind him. Each one of them grabbing something different. The main Doctor puts something in my mouth. Another nurse starts hooking tubes all around me. Another one puts some kind of liquid in a tube and hooks it to the tube connected to my mouth. Another one gets a syringe and injects me. My whole body is numb. I'm usually terrified of needles, but I can't seem to move. My body doesn't respond to me. It seems like I'm not in control of it.

A nurse tries talking to me. "It's okay. We need you to close your eyes and go to sleep. That's all we need."

I try to talk, but my voice doesn't come out. All I can do is yell in my head 'Where is Bree?' 

"Just close your eyes and go to sleep." She says pushing the thing around my mouth to make the gas go out faster I suppose. "Please, baby."

I obediently nod. And start to close my eyes. A picture of Bree comes into my mind and I study every detail of her face before I fall asleep.

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