15. A Kiss Under The Stars

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"You know what would be nice?" Bree asks and I look in her direction to give her all my attention. "To have a real date with you."
"I would have to plan it out for a long time though." I explain.
"Why? We could just go to a park and eat lunch and kiss under the blanket of stars." She says.
We both freeze once she says 'kiss' and we turn away from each other nervously. We've never actually kissed and it feels awkward to talk about kissing on a date.
"If you really want that," I start talking nervously. "I could plan it for next week. I have some things that I want to do on this date."
She smiles and nods her head yes while we keep on walking towards the car in the parking lot.
"I'm glad they let me out of the hospital quick." Bree says. I nod without actually listening to her. I have exactly 1 week to plan out the perfect date and right now I have nothing. In my defense I've never actually been on a date.
"Zac are you even listening to me?" Bree asks noticing my lost look.
"Huh? Yeah. Okay." I say trying to look Like if I was paying attention.
"Mhmm." She says in a sassy tone. "You don't need to do a lot just buy me some flowers and take me on a picnic to the beach."
"But if I do that you would already know because you suggested it."  I explain. "Alright crazy, i'll see you later and don't really worry about it. I'm a easy person to get along with." she winks and walks ahead.

. . .

"Listen man, i just have at least 1 week to plan this date so help me out instead of inviting me to play video games." I tell Andrew.
"It's just a date. What's so special about this date?" Andrew asks taking a sip of his soda.
"Its our first date so its kind of special." I explain. "And i invited you to help me; not for you to eat my whole fridge."
"How about a night beneath the stars?" Andrew suggests.
"That doesn't sound so bad." Zac said writing it on a journal.
"Are you seriously writing this on a journal? Zac, what is going on with you? Are you in touch with your feminine side?" Andrew jokes.
"Pizza or hamburgers?" Zac ignores Andrew's question.
"Pizza." Andrew says.
Someone knocks on the door. "Mom not right now!"
The door opens and Lexi comes in. "I'm not mom even tho I will shout at you like if I was her-" Lexi sees Andrew and immediately changes. "Hey Andrew." She says in a flirty voice.
"Beautiful." He says answering the flirty greeting.
Lexi giggles and walks out of my room. We both laugh.
"I told you girls fall for me." He says.
"Drew, she's 14. She doesn't know any better." Zac explains.
"Are you saying I'm bad boyfriend material?" He asks as if he was offended.
"No. I'm saying you have bad taste in girls." He corrects Andrew.
"Are you saying your sister is not good enough for me?"
Zac looks at him surprised that he asked him that. "You are seriously thinking of dating my 14-year-old sister? You're 16!"
"No comment." He responds looking at his phone.
"You disgust me, but you are still my best friend. And I will kill you if you ever start dating my sister." Zac warns.
"Overprotective much?" Drew murmurs.
"No, my brain just happens to work right." Zac smiled.
They stayed in silence for a moment. Both of them thinking of ideas for the perfect day.
"I got it!" Andrews said standing up.
Zac got scared and fell off his bed. "Why did you do that?!"
"Oh my gosh," Andrew said trying to stop laughing. "Anyways, the fair is coming this Friday. You should take her."
"Yeah right." Zac said with sarcasm obvious in his voice. "I want to take her to a place where everything smells like sweat, vomit, and grease mixed together."
"Take her to the back of the fair. No one ever goes to the back and it practically smells like the ocean its next to." Andrew suggested.
"I don't think she would like heavy rides." Zac said. "She just finished her surgeries and i don't want her to go back to the hospital."
"Ask her then."
"Drew, i can't just ask her. That would ruin the whole surprise." Zac reminded him.
Andrew thought for a moment. "Fine. I'll ask her myself."
"What!? Andrew don't-"
But it was too late. Andrew already had the phone up to his ear. It surprised Zac how fast he got the phone and speed-dialed Bree.
"Hello, Bree?" He said into the phone.
"Oh my gosh! Andrew what the-"
Andrew brought a finger to his mouth signaling for him to shut up.
"At least put her on speaker." Zac whispered.
Andrew pressed a button and turned the volume up.
"What do you want Andrew." You could hear the annoyance in her voice, but why?
"Hey, would it be okay if i took you on a date to the fair this Friday?" Andrew asked looking at Zac.
Zac punched his arm and Andrew flinched. He covered the speakers so Bree couldn't hear him. "Its part of the plan, doob!"
Zac rolled his eyes and signaled him to keep talking to her.
"Andrew, stop being a player and go fool with another girl who isn't taken." Bree said. "I'm hanging up now."
"Wait!" Andrew said. There was a silence and then Bree spoke.
"Andrew, i really don't want to talk right now." She sounded exhausted.
"Just one more quick question." He said. "What if Zac were to take you there! Would it be alright?"
"Where is this coming from, Bolton?" She asked confused.
"Did Zac tell you my last name?" He sounded surprised.
"Don't change the subject." She said. "I asked first."
"I just want to know." Andrew said trying his hardest to sound like he cared.
"Yes, it would be very nice." Bree finally said.
Andrew and Zac smiled at each other.
"Well, thanks Bree." Andrew said about to hang up.
"Wait," Bree said stopping both Andrew and Zac. "I love you."
Zac and Andrew stared at each other surprised. Zac more depressed and sad than Andrew. Did he have a crush on Andrew?
"Umm.. I love you too, Bree." Andrew managed to say.
Bree laughed. "I didn't say it to you, Andrew."
"What?" Andrew sounded surprised.
"I could hear Zac's heavy breathing." She explained. Zac covered his mouth with his hand. He hadn't realized he had been breathing heavily during the whole phone call. "I love you."
Zac smiled. "I love you, too Bree."
She ended the phone call and Andrew put his phone away. Zac was still staring at the floor.
"Well, it looks like you're going to the fair."
. . .
It was finally Friday. Zac went to pick up Bree in a skateboard. He brought an extra one for Bree. The fair was only 5 minutes away from her house, walking.
Zac knocked on the door of Bree's mansion of a house. She heard footsteps and saw that Bree's little brother had opened the door. She remembered seeing him once at the football state championship two years ago. He stared at Zac for a moment.
"I know you."he said which made Zac loosen up a little. "But where have i seen you?"
"Come in, Zac!" You could hear Mrs. Canister all the way from the kitchen.
Zac came in and walked to the kitchen to greet Mrs. Canister.
"Hi, Mrs. C," Zac and Bree's parents had been thru a lot together so he knew that he could call her Mrs. C without her having a problem with that.
"Hey, Zac." Mrs. C greeted. "Bree will be down here in a second. You can go sit down in the living room if you want."
He walked to the living room and sat. Bree's brother was still stating at him. He sat awkwardly as her brother sat in the couch in front of him.
"I know where i have seen you!" He finally said. "Bree has thousands of pictures of you in her room."
This made Zac smile. "Really?"
He nodded. "Are you taking her skating to the fair?"
"Yes," he said. "I'm planning on showing her how to."
He laughed. "Well i'm sorry to break it to you but there is nothing you can teach her. She used to be a pro before the accident."
He looked upset when he mentioned the accident. Zac somehow felt responsible for what had happened.
"Look, i'm really sorry for the accident-"
"Don't be," he interrupted. "I know my sister. She obviously was the one to cause the crash. She plays around too much. I knew that she was not a good driver thats why i refused for her to take me to high school every time she had the chance."
"Oh, so you're in high school?" Zac sounded interesting.
"Entered Freshman hear last year. I become a sophomore in August or whenever we enter school again."
"Interesting." Zac said.
"I'm Kade, by the way." He said. "With a K instead of a C. You might know me as Biscuit. Bree calls me that just as if she didn't know i have a name."
"Awesome name," Zac said meaning it.
He smiled and ran to the stairs. "I'll go get Bree because she's taking forever."
Zac smiled and after a couple of minutes Bree came down.
"I am so sorry." She says. "Totally did not see the time."
"It's okay," he said standing up. "I hope you don't mind by going on skateboard."
She smiled. "Awesome!"
Zac handed her his skateboard and she immediately saw the stickers at the bottom, they were of 'My Chemical Romance' and 'Twenty Øne Piløts'
"Hey, you like them too?" She asked amused. "I never thought of you as a band lover guy."
"Guess i have some secrets of mine to tell you then." He said.
They walked out together. Bree set the skateboard on the floor and started skateboarding down the road to the fair. Zac followed and in less than three minutes, they got there. She stopped and grabbed her skateboard. Zac stopped next to her and carried his skateboard, too.
"Should we enter?" Zac asked offering his hand to Bree.
She smiled. "Yes." She took it and they entered the fair together. The smell of vomit and fried food hit Zac like a brick wall.
"Oh my gosh." Zac said letting go of Bree and kneeling to catch his breath.
Bree kneeled down next to him ignoring the people entering and exiting who were staring at them. "Zac are you okay?"
"Yeah, i'm fine." He said without looking up from the ground. "I just hate the smell."
"We can leave if you want." She offered.
"No, no. Its okay." He said.
"Zac, i hate seeing you like this." She said helping him stand.
"I'm fine." He said a little bit louder, as if he was annoyed by her or something.
"Zac, i won't mind if we leave-"
"I said I'm fine!" This time people stared at them.
Bree took to steps back and stared at him with concern and pain as if he had hit her or something.
"I'm sorry." Zac said shaking his head to clear his mind.
Bree stayed quiet for a moment and then she spoke. "Lets just go to the back of the fair where the air is fresh." She said.
"Okay." Zac reached for her hand but she backed away as if he was a monster. He stared at her in confusion and she started walking. She was a few steps in front of Zac all the way until they got to the ferris wheel. Bree got in line and Zac followed. Bree tried not to look at Zac while they waited for their turn.
"Bree, i'm not going to hurt you." Zac said. Bree did hear him but decided not to look at him. They waited in line for half an hour until they finally got a seat for two. Bree didn't seem so convinced on being next to Zac for 20 minutes, but its not like she had a choice. He was her boyfriend after all.
They were silent while their seat got to the highest point. The ferris wheel stopped and Bree still wouldn't look at him. She stared out onto the deck where she could see all the people having fun.
"Do you still love me?" She interrupted.
"What?" He asked confused. "What do you mean?"
"Cale treated me like that." She said. "At first he was super into me. We went on several dates and then he started acting weird. He yelled at me, he hit me when no one was looking, he treated me like trash in front of his friends and mine. It was 2 years into the relationship that i found out he was dating me because of my financial status."
"You were in love with him at that point?" Zac asked.
"You betcha." She smiled and then her smile faded. "Thats when i broke up with him."
"If you think i'm dating you because you're rich, i swear i'm not." Zac assured her.
She smiled but she didn't seem convinced. "Its just- the way you yelled at me. Thats how he started acting when he was no longer interested in me."
"Bree." Zac felt sorry. "I don't know what happened to me back there. Its as if i suddenly just wasn't me anymore."
She stared at him. "Do you still love me?"
He smiled and nodded. "I've never been more crazy about someone ever in my life."
She smiled and they both looked up to the sky. The stars had come out. Bree was looking at the stars when Zac was looking at his star. A beautiful star who was the best warrior and football player he had ever seen. Bree looked down from the stars and saw Zac staring at her. They both leaned in and kissed. Her lips soft on his. A perfect kiss under the stars.

 A perfect kiss under the stars

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