16. The Fight

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"Yesterday he was acting all weird and he even yelled at me for asking if he was okay." Bree said thru the phone.
There was a long pause.
"Andrew?" She asked not sure if he was still there.
"Why are you calling me again?" Said Andrew. He sounded confused.
"Because i want to know what to do." Bree explained moving from her desk to her computer next to the desk.
"Why can't you just talk to one of your friends. You know, that are girls. I don't want to talk about my best friend in a girly way." Andrew protested.
"I-i don't have any friends that are girls." Bree confessed. "I only have guy friends and i think all of them hate Zac."
"Well thats unfortunate." Andrew said. "Why?"
"All my guy friends asked me out and i only said yes to Zac." Said Bree.
"Should i be worried?" Andrew asked a little confused.
"I mean, about your friends. They might hurt him... Who are these 'boys' anyways? Tell me the meanest guy friend you have."
"Tanner Blue..." Bree said a little hesitantly.
"Tanner Blue!" Andrew repeated. He said it a little more surprised. In fact, he was so surprised that he fell off his desk chair where he was leaning back. "Bree, thats the school's bad guy!"
"I know but do you think its so bad?" Bree asked not seeing the real problem.
"Bree," Andrew started. "Remember that time when our school went on the new because two guys had a fight and one resulted dead?"
"How to forget that? School was canceled for 2 months while the school worked things out with the guy's parents."
"Who was the one that killed Jack?" Andrew asked.
"Tann-" she stopped and thought about what she was going to say.
Andrew's phone buzzed. "Hold up. Someones calling me."
Bree waited for a minute or two and then Andrew came back.
"Bree go to the school's parking lot!" Andrew said. He sounded rushed.
"What? Why? What happened?" Bree grabbed her leather jacket and her keys.
"Zac got into a fight."

Zac's POV-

Zac ran to the living room where his phone was ringing. The song "GDFR" annoying everyone in the house.
"Zac answer your stupid phone or at least change the stupid ringtone!" His mom yelled from who knows where.
Zac finally got to his phone and as answered it. "Hello?"
"Zac? It's Tanner from the football team." The boy-Tanner-said. He was the boy that was giving him dirty looks at football tryouts.
"Yeah. Hey, whats up?" Zac tried to not sound confused or scared.
"Hey, the whole team is having a meet-up at school to get to know each other." He said.
"To get to know each other?" This time Zac did sound confused.
"Yeah," he assured him. "We don't all get along just by seeing each other 3 times a week, you know?"
This was finally making sense. "Okay, cool i'll be there. When and at what time?"
"Today in like 1 hour. Can you make it?" Tanner asked.
"Yeah, i'll be there." Zac said feeling more excited than he expected.
"Okay, see you there." He ended the call and Zac set his phone down on the coffee table.
"Mom! I'm going out in an hour!" He yelled and went back to his room.
He got out some boy shorts and a under armor t-shirt. He changed and went to the length long mirror. He noticed that he could finally see some muscle on his arms and calfs.
"Wow, Bree's workout did help." He said mostly to himself.
Zac could feel bees in his stomach. He hadn't realized that he was nervous.
"A good friendship starts with a good introduction, right?" He said to himself.
He spent 50 minutes practicing how he would introduce himself.
"Hey, i'm Zac. [No,no. They obviously know who i am.]
Sup Bra! [really? What am I, a hot surfer?]
Good afternoon, mates. [oh my gosh. I thought i couldn't get worse.]"
He looked at the clock and saw that it was 5 minutes past the time he was suppose to be at school.
"Gosh!" He ran downstairs ams grabbed his phone. He hesitated and them decided on leaving it. He ran out and crossed the street to get to the school's football field. All the boys were already at the center of the field. He ran inside and stopped just behind Tanner. Tanner looked behind him and patted Zac on the back. "Glad you could make it." He said.
"Hey, man." They all said to him and either slapped him on the back or made that weird handshake where you can hear their hands clasp.
The only person who didn't say hi to him was, of coarse, Cale. Zac felt a little intimidated so he decided to break the ice.
"Hey Cale." He said and stretched out his arm.
"Cale, really dude?" Tanner said to Cale. "He's on the football team now, maybe you should tell him."
"Tell me what?" Zac lowered his arm.
"The people who gain my respect get to call me by my middle name." Cale explained. "Are you worthy to know it?"
"Worthy? What are you Thor now?" Tanner said to Cale.
Cale shot his a dirty look that made Tanner shut up. He turned back to Zac to see what he answered.
"I'm on the football team now. If that's not 'worthy' enough then i don't know what is."
Cale hesitated and then smiled. Something Zac thought he only did when Bree was around.
"Well then, you can call me Jace now." Cale said.
Everyone started clapping and cheering at this and Zac and Cale-Jace- gave each other a bro hug.
"Lets get started!" Tanner shouted and everyone moved to the bleachers. Zac followed and sat at the top of the bleachers where Cameron and Jacob, two good football players, where seated.
"Someone say a topic of conversation!" Jace shouted to no one specifically.
"Well, lets start by asking Zac about Bree." Tanner said.
Everyone cheered and turned to Zac. He could hear some boys saying 'you're so lucky' 'that hot girl Bree?' 'He's dating her now?' 'I wanted to date her since 6th grade'. Some comments making him protective and others making him feel like the luckiest boy in the world.
"How does it feel dating the hottest girl in school?" Tanner asked.
"Well, we're not really dating. I just want to see where our relationship is going before i ask her to be my girlfriend."
Some boys nodded and others didn't. Tanner and Jace were staring at him in a angry way.
"What about all the popularity you've gained because of her?" Jace asked.
"No, no. I guess thats just a bonus." Zac laughed. Everyone else stared at Jace and Tanner who were raging mad.
"So you're using her?" Jace asked standing up.
"What, no!" Zac said standing up as if he was offended. Jace and Tanner stood up with him.
"You're using her!" Jace yelled and threw the first punch to Zac's chin. Zac fell backward and two guys grabbed him and threw him against Jace.
"Come on Zac. Be a man and fight!" Tanner said as Zac punched Jace on his stomach making him fall backwards and hit his head on the grass. They had walked to the field without either of them noticing.
Everyone started cheering. Some for Zac and some telling Jace to stand up, but he didn't.
"Come on Jace. Fight like a man!" Zac repeated to Jace.
Zac felt hands on his shoulders turning him around. He was in front of Tanner and then he knocked Zac down.
Zac felt when he touched the ground and hit his head. It started to hurt more than it was suppose to. He covered his ears just as if that would help. He suddenly felt rage rise up in him. He stood up and punched Tanner as hard as he could in the jaw. Tanner fell to the ground and Zac realized that he had knocked him down. He was passed out on the floor.
"What the heck?!" Jace yelled at Zac.
He started walking toward him, but Zac did not feel scared at all.
Jace threw a punch once he was close enough to hit him, but Zac moved faster than Jace and Jace fell to the ground.
"That's enough!" A girl's voice yelled.
All the boys turned towards the voice and were surprised when they saw Bree in a yellow sun dress standing in front of all of them.
"Oh my gosh, Cale!" Bree yelled as she knelt down to help Jace -Cale- up.
"Bree, I am really-"
"It doesn't matter right now, Zac." Bree cut him off without looking away from Cale.
Bree finally looked at him and gasped at his face.
"Zac, you're bleeding!" Bree said as she touched Zac's lip. "Let's go to your house."
They walked together to gate exiting the field, Bree not looking away from Zac with a concerned look.
"Hey Bree!" Cale yelled from the field. "He is using you!"
Either Bree didn't hear him or decided to to hear him. They kept on walking until they were at Zac's house; Bree grabbing a pack of ice to put on Zac's lips and forehead.
"I thought you were smarter than this." Bree said as quietly as possible.
"I'm sorry." I say feeling disappointed at myself.
"What was the point of the fight?"
Zac didn't answer.
There was still no answer.
"Zac, i can't just leave you alone in this case." She says. "You got into a fight and i care about you, so i need to know what happened."
"I don't want you to be mad at me Bree. I don't want to tell you." Zac finally said.
"I shouldn't have to be here taken care of you, but here i am-"
"Why?" Zac cut her off. "Why are you here? You're not obligated to. We're not even dating!"
Bree looked offended even tho it wasn't meant to offend her. Zac looked at her in concern and Bree looked away before a tear fell down her cheek.
"You're right." She says grabbing her keys from the counter without looking at Zac. "We're not dating. Get that in your head from now on."
She rushed to the door and shut it closed leaving the house empty and quiet.

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