9. A Party?

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"So is Bree excited for the party?" Andrew asks.

"Umm, what party?" I asked confused.

"Umm the one I told you guys in the group chat?" He answers.

"Oh! The one you made between you, Bree. Your girlfriend, and me? Yeah...umm, we got out of the chat." I say with a nervous voice.

"What?" He asks angrily. "Why do I take the liberty to make stuff that you two are going to end up not using?"

"Maybe because you and your girlfriend kept on blowing our notifications," I say. "Don't get offended, but ever since you got a girlfriend you kind of became the "father" of our "group"."

"I know. It's just that I'm excited to have a girlfriend while my best friend has a girlfriend." He says. "Maybe we can end up marrying the same day, having babies the same day, even die the same day."

"Hey, maybe we can even go to hell the same day," I say jokingly.

"Ooo, that's a good one. I'll write it down on my to-do list." He says with a serious voice.

"Andrew!" I say grabbing his shoulders and shaking him violently. "Wake up! All I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't rush into things. We don't have to do everything at the same time."

"Okay." He says calming down. " So, are you coming to party or not?"

"I repeat. What party?" I repeat.

"The one Lola is throwing." He says. "The Persichetti's are going away for the weekend so Lola is throwing a party."

"A party without their parents knowing? I'm out." I say.

"Come on! For once in your life do something out of your comfort zone." He begs.

"I'll have to ask Bree if she wants to be my date," I say.

"Why do you need to ask her? Aren't you already boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"What? No. We're just very close." I explain.

"Well, you are closer than you and I." He says. "I'm starting to think you're replacing me."

"No, no, never!" I say. "It's just that..."

"It's just that?" He repeats.

"I've been telling you that I'm going out with Bree instead of telling you the truth," I say nervously.

"Okay. Then what is the truth?" He asks.

"I-I-" I think of either telling him the truth or not. After all, it isn't that bad. "I've been applying to different colleges without you knowing."

"What?" He says. "Why are you applying to different colleges if we're already going to Stanford?"

I stare at him confused about my decision. He seems to notice that I may have changed my mind so his smile disappears.

"We are going right?" He asks to make sure, but I don't respond.

"Drew, you have to understand that we chose Stanford in 7th grade," I say. "Four years have passed and I'm not sure I want to go there anymore. Are you?"

"Yes." He says. "Well, apparently you aren't. I can't believe you would hide something like this from me. Why would you?"

"Because I didn't want this to happen!" I shout. "I didn't want us to be mad at each other for the remainder of Junior year and senior year."

"Well, you have blown it now!" He shouts back. "Big time!"

He walks away leaving me there realizing that I had just lost my best friend.

"You sure you still want to go to the party?" Bree asks me as I drive to the party. "You look pretty mad."

"I'm fine!" I lie. "It's just...I'm tired!"

I feel Bree's hand on my shoulder. I stop at the stop light and look at her angry.

"That a lie." She says.

"No, it's not!" I shout again and look directly in front of me.

She grabs my chin and makes me look at her. "Stop shouting."

I don't change my face, but I get relaxed somehow. "Andrew and I got into a fight."

"Oh no..." She says seriously worried.

"It's fine it's just a temporary thing."

She nods but she doesn't seem convinced.

I keep driving and 5 minutes later we arrive at the party.

We both get off and walk up the stairs where we stop at the door. You can hear "Anaconda" playing in the background and hundreds of teens singing the lyrics and shouting.

"Are you sure you want to be here?" I ask Bree.

She laughs. "I've been to thousands of parties. Are you sure you're the one that doesn't want to be here?"

It takes me a while to admit it, but I nod.

She laughs again, but it was a laugh that was saying 'you're adorable' or 'that is so cute' instead of a hysterical laugh. "Just stay with me and you'll be fine."

I nod nervously and open the door. A couple of kids in the front stare at us while we come in. "Uptown Funk" starts playing and they forget about us while they start dancing and signing to the song.
The songs starts. "Dou doudoudoudoudoudou dou dou"

Everyone starts screaming the part where it says "ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" and the beat drops. Suddenly you hear all the kids there singing it. "This is the ice cold Michael fight for that white gold. This one for them hood girls dem good girls straight masterpiece!"

Bree and I start laughing as we sing to the song too. I'm having the time of my life when I see Andrew with a red cup hugging her girlfriend and laughing. He sees me and his laugh disappears. I turn to Bree and whisper "I'll be back" in her ear. I walk to him, but he just stands right there.

"Hey," I say as I stand in front of him.

"Hey," he says still not happy. "I didn't expect you to be here."

"Well, here I am."

We start talking about all the stuff that happened at school and laugh about it. I thought things were going okay, but I was mistaken. Very, very, very mistaken.

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