20. The MRI Scan

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"Are you nervous?" Zac's mom asks him.

Zac gave her a fake smile and shook his head.

"Maybe it's just the changes from the crash." She says trying to have a reasonable explanation for this.

"I'm not so sure." I say. "It's been going on quite a while."

My phone rings. I look and see the id. Bree.

"Just answer the girl already." She says. "She's been calling more than 20 times."

"I don't want to hear her yell at me for flipping at her, right now." I explain. "I'll call her back eventually."

The door opens and a man with a white robe and blue shirt underneath enters the room. I straighten up and mom moves her bag off the hospital bed.

"Mrs. Belington." The doctor says.

"It's Mrs. Reyes now." She corrects the doctor.

"Right. I forget." He says. "What seems to be the problem now?"

Mom turns to me, expecting me to answer the question.

"I've been having these random anger waves out of nowhere and I've never really had any problems like this." I explain.

"I see," he says writing something down on his notepad. "Don't you think it would've been better if you went to a doctor instead of a hospital?"

"Well, the doctor isn't really aware of all that i've been going thru." I explain.

"I see." He says studying me from face to toe. "I suggest we get an x-ray and if nothing is wrong with the bones then we'll check your brain in an MRI scanner."

I look at my mom and she nods at the doctor. "That sounds like a brilliant plan."

"Well," he says standing up. "We'll get started with the x-rays. I'll go get you a gown and we'll start as soon as we can."

"I can't believe my daughter is being a sucker for a boy." Dad says as he enters my room.

"Dad, get out!" I shout as I throw my pillow at the door.

Dad dodges the pillow and throws it back at me. It hits my head and i start to cry. I don't cry because it hurt, but because he was right. I was being a sucker for a boy.

"Oh, come on now." He says coming next to me and hugging me while rubbing me back. "Why?"

"Dad- i don't know what i did!" I cry into his chest.

"You didn't do anything." He says kissing my cheek as if i were a little kid again.

"Why won't he answer my calls?" I ask. "It's not like he has anything better to do."

I can feel dad laughing at this. I think about what i just said and start to laugh with him, too.
A couple of seconds pass until I stop crying and am laughing more, forgetting about my tears.

"What am I doing?" I laugh and dry my cheeks with the back of my hand. "I never cried over a boy."

"You've fallen in love." He says.

I laugh once more and think about what he just said, still smiling.

"Dad," i start.


"Being in love sucks." I says.

He laughs and I join him. I'm sounding really cheesy and dumb right now.

"Why would you let me?" I ask him.

He smiles and shakes his head.

"You never really notice when you're falling in love." He says. "You find out when you can't back out."

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