24. Yes, I do

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Two days have past since I physically woke up. I haven't heard from Bree and I am currently not talking to my parents even tho I am fully capable of speaking now.

My parents have been begging me to speak to them. My dad just gave up but mom is still begging. I am not doing this to be petty and get things my way, i'm just mad at them for getting rid of the only thing that made me happy these days.

The doctor entered the room, smiling. Mom stopped begging and looked at the doctor.

"Is he still not talking?" The doctor asks as if he was not surprised.

Mom shook her head.

The doctor smiled. "I know something that will make him talk."

He turned to me and we stared each other down for a couple of seconds. "You can go back to school now."

All the weight on my shoulders seemed to drop and I had confused feelings about this. I could see Bree again and enjoy the last three days I had to live.

"You have around three day to enjoy to the fullest." He continued. "Don't waste them."

With that, the doctor smiled at my parents and left the room.
Mom decided that she would drop me off at school. She tried talking to me on the way there, but I stayed silent.
She gave up and decided that being quiet was her best option.
She stopped in front of the main building. "Remember to go to the councilors office to get your-"

I cut her off by closing the door.

I walked in and was greeted with stares from students passing by trying to get to class. They obviously knew what was going on and there was obviously rumors about the whole situation.

I tried to look for a familiar face, but everyone was a stranger to me. Until I heard a voice.

"Zac!" A running figure yelled. He was running straight at me and I immediately recognized him.

"Andrew!" I said more excited than I have ever been.

He came up to me and gave me a bro hug.

"What are you doing here, man?" He asked completely surprised.

I remembered that I hadn't talked to him since the camping trip.

"I can come to school now." I say.

"Well nah." He says sarcastically. "I know that. But are you completely okay?"

I thought about what to answer. Should I tell him that I have at least three days to live?

"As good as I can be." I lied.

"Hey, you have first hour with me." He says. "Teacher s'been calling your name out for the past two weeks."

"I still need to go get my schedule tho." I say pointing at the councilors office.

"I'll drop you off." He says putting an arm around me. "Hey, do you know whats wrong with Bree?"


"Whats wrong with her?" I ask.

"She's been down for the past two days and she has lost weight. You can tell."  He explained. "Its almost as if she has depression."

"What?" I was as confused. Bree was never the kind of girl to be depressed. She was usually the one to make me happy.

Andrew violently nodded and pointed to a girl at the other end of the hall. She was wearing sweatpants and a shirt that was clearly too big for her. Her hair was down, covering most of her face. The dirty blonde hair was familiar to me, but I knew no one who would dress and walk as slow aa the girl. People were going around her trying to get to class, but the girl was walking as if the ground would break if she made a sharp move. She obviously wasn't worried about getting to class on time.

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