Chapter One

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Third Person P.O.V

Tons of parents filed into the dorms helping their children move in for college. As Harry Potter made his way to his new dorm, he had no help from anyone. His parents died at a young age and he was forced to live with his mother's sister and her husband as well as their demon of a child.  He was not welcome back if he wen away.  That day, he set off on his own, packing a few things and necessities before making his way to the college of his dreams. 

Hogwarts University was an incredibly prestigious college in America, almost everyone wanted to go there but they only accepted a few hundred students a year. And only a few got in on full ride scholarships.

Harry grew up with nothing of his own. He only ever received his cousins leftovers. His clothes, broken toys and even sometimes his meals... which were scarce. For him, the only way he got into college was purely luck and on a scholarship for his skill in wrestling.

Harry looked down at his room arrangement.

Room 1117, Slytherin Hall

He walked into the building with the two duffles he had and made his way to his dorm. He looked at the number and the door was wide open. As he walked in, his eyes landed on a beautiful platinum blonde but his back was to him. The blonde was putting away clothes in his dresser when he felt a presence so he turned around.

"Oh you must be my roommate! I'm Draco Malfoy." The blonde exasperated before walking toward Harry. He stuck out his hand for Harry to shake but Harry flinched instead. The blonde noticed this and frowned putting his hand down.

"S-sorry," Harry stuttered. "I'm H-Harry Harry Potter." He said.

"Well nice to meet you. I left the left  dresser and closet for you. And that bed is yours." Draco smiled pointing to the empty bed on the left. "I hope you don't mind." He mentioned and Harry shook his head before speaking up.

"Thank you." Harry put his stuff on the bed and sat down quietly. Draco watched Harry closely and noted that he was in fact a very attractive fellow. His hair was a sexy kind of messy and raven black. His eyes were greener than an emerald and he had glasses that shaped his thin face.

"So, do you have anyone helping you with your bags?" Draco asked and Harry shook his head. Draco stopped what he was doing and sat on his bed that was next to Harry's. Draco was very observant so he noticed Harry was very quiet and slouched as if he was afraid. He also noticed that Harry watched his every move from the moment he got there. "So Harry, what brings you here?"

"I got in on a wrestling scholarship."

"Oh! You're that guy?!" Draco yelled in excitement but it caused Harry to jump. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," Draco bit his lip. "I was just saying you're the only one that received that scholarship this year, full ride yeah?" Harry nodded and Draco smirked. "I guess that makes you the Chosen One." Harry just shrugged and bit his lip. "Are you alright?"

"Um yeah, just a little tired."

"Oh well um you can take a nap if you want, I can help you unpack." Draco suggested.

"Um I think , I think I should tell you something before I get too comfortable." Harry said. "I mean in case you don't want me as a roommate."

"Um okay, what is it?"

"I'm um gay." Harry admitted but Draco grinned widely.

"I have no issues with that! I'm bisexual," Harry gave a small smile. "See now you're warming up to me." Harry chuckled a little. "So what is your schedule?" Draco asked. Harry shuffled to get the schedule out of his pocket and handed it to him.

Roommates (A Drarry Fanfiction) (BoyxBoy) (Book 1 of Roommates)Where stories live. Discover now