Chapter Six

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Harry's P.O.V

It was amazing how great I felt after I told Draco. It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulder and he was so supportive; It actually seemed like he cared about me. 

We made our way to the Great Hall and noticed Ron with Hermione right away.

"Mind if we sit with them?" I asked. He shook his head and smiled.

"Whatever you want." He remarked causing me to smile and nod. "But let's get some food first." He suggested. I nodded and we grabbed a few pancakes and bacon before making our way to the table.

"Hey guys." I smiled sitting across from them.

"Hi Harry, Draco." Hermione smiled but it slowly faded. "Have you guys been crying?" She asked.

"Oh um yeah we actually broke up with our significant others," Draco responded. "I broke up with Blaise on Tuesday and Harry just told Cedric it was over about ten minutes ago." He explained.

"Wait, what was wrong with Cedric?" Ron asked.

"He um got drunk last night and wanted to have sex with me. I didn't want to so he got mad and punched me." I specified provoking their eyes widened.

"Oh Harry, that's awful," Hermione gasped. "I'm sorry."

"Hey it's his loss," Draco rolled his eyes. "Harry's the best." I smiled at his comment. He drank some juice as Ron started speaking.

"Do you think you two would ever get together?" He asked. Draco, obviously caught off guard by the question, inhaled the juice and started coughing.

"Draco, are you alright?" I questioned, gently touching his back. He nodded but continued hacking.  After a few more times he composed himself and trying to catch his breath.

"Why...why would you ask that?" Draco finally asked Ron. I gave him some water and he took a sip before taking a well needed breath.

"Anyway, I asked because you two seem close. You're both single and you seem like you'd be a cute couple." Ron responded but I just bit my lip and shrugged.

"I mean only time will tell."I answered but Hermione scowled.

"Ronald, they literally just broke up Blaise and Cedric, give them time." She chided.

"How much time do they need? Blaise already moved on." Ron retorted. This made me look over to Draco whose face dropped

"He has?" He whined.

"Well I mean I hooked up with him." Ron said.

"Wait you're gay?" I asked.

"No I was just curious." He blushed.

"And what was the conclusion?" Hermione asked.

"I like girls."

"Wait, so you slept with him?" Draco inquired softly.

"No, we just made out a little." His face turned the color of his hair. "But he had a date on Thursday." He informed us leading Draco to frown.

"I'm gonna head back to the room." He said to me.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm just a little tired," He asserted. "I'll see you later."He got up bringing his plate to the trash bin and left.

"I think I should go after him," I stated. "He seemed a little upset." 

"Maybe he needs time to be alone." Hermione told me so i just nodded before sighing. "How about you, how are you holding up?"

Roommates (A Drarry Fanfiction) (BoyxBoy) (Book 1 of Roommates)Where stories live. Discover now