Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Harry's P.O.V

I pulled up to the familiar house. It was bigger than my uncle's house but nothing compared to Draco's houses. So I got out of the car, grabbing my bags and thanked the taxi driver who drove off. I walked over to the black wooden door and rang the doorbell. A few moments later my godfather opened the door. I hadn't seen him since I was thirteen. He let his hair grow to his shoulders and it was wavy.

"Harry!" He beamed. "You've gotten so big." He pulled me in a bone crushing hug in which I flinched but he didn't seem to notice.

"Nice to see you again Sirius." I spoke, hugging him back.

"I heard you got kicked out," He mentioned. "Nothing to be ashamed of, you're free to stay here as long as possible."

"Thank you." I whispered.

"You're room is just upstairs and down the hall." He informed me so I nodded and we let go of the embrace. I walked up the stairs and walked to the last room. There weren't many rooms but mine was at the end of the hallway.

 I opened the room and it was a little dusty but livable. It seemed small but not as small as the cupboard. It was just the same size as the rooms back at the college but minus Draco. I frowned and put my ground next to the bed. I plopped down on the bed and called Draco.

"Kitten, are you there?" He rushed out.

"Yeah I got here okay." I told him.

"How is your godfather? Is he high?" He asked.

"Not high enough to not recognize me," I chuckled a little. "He might be. I don't know." 

"Are you safe? I should have got you a hotel room to stay in." He groaned.

"I'm safe," I assured. "Thank you."

             "I miss you Harry."

"I miss you more Draco."  checked the time and it was nearly three pm. "Done with you classes today?"

"Yes," He spoke sadly. "Everyone misses you."

"That's good to hear." I chuckled pitifully.

"I ate lunch with Hermione and Ron," He stated. "They're making sure I'm okay."

"Good, you need to be okay," I said. "We don't need to two us having emotional fits."

"Did you take your pills today?"

"Not yet. I will later" I told him. "I'm gonna look for some food. I love you and I'll call you later."

"Okay. I love you more." He said and we hung up. I sighed and wiped away the tears threatening to leave my eyes. I left my room and Sirius was sitting at the table reading the newspaper.

            "Sirius, do you have something I could eat?" I asked.

"Yeah you can look in the fridge but if there's nothing. You can call for something." He said and he didn't seem as high. I nodded and went to the fridge. As I did Sirius walked over to me. "Just so you know I got clean." He admitted and I looked at him.

"No more drugs?" I asked.

"No more drugs," He smiled. "Remus wouldn't want that. He wouldn't want to see me drugging my life away. He came to me in a dream and told me I needed to stop. Told me I needed to get clean. I wanted to seek you out when I did but I couldn't because your aunt and uncle said you moved out." 

Roommates (A Drarry Fanfiction) (BoyxBoy) (Book 1 of Roommates)Where stories live. Discover now