Chapter ThirtyFive

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Trigger Warning: Description of what what happened while he was drugged.

Cedric's P.O.V (Before Harry ran out)

"Can you explain to me what you did to him while he was drugged?" The lady lawyer asked. I froze and looked at Harry. His face was really pale.

"Objection relevance?" Blaise's lawyer asked. I let out my breath.

"Obviously he was under some kind of impression of what he needed to do. Please share with us what you did." She said.

"I don't want to. He's in the court room and he doesn't know what happened." I said. She turned to look at the people in the court. I saw her eyes land on Harry who looked very ill. She looked back at me and raised her eyebrow.

"He deserves to know. What did you do?"

"Answer the question son." The judge said. I took a deep breath.

"I found him in the library working on something so I decided to go talk to him, knowing I had the drug in the coffee, so I walked over to him. I said hello and sat down. We exchanged a few 'how are yous' and then I noticed he was getting tired. I offered him the coffee and when he refused, I offered it again. He took it and when it started working he told me he wasn't feeling well." I explained. "I took him to my room and put him on the bed after texting his boyfriend from his phone to pick him up. So I started to kiss him and we started making out. I positioned him so he was on top of me. His boyfriend came in and got upset. After he left I got on top of him and started to undress him." I kept eye contact with everyone but Harry. "Once we were both fully naked, I started to pursue him sexually. I- I penetrated him-" I started but Harry leaving caught my eye. Draco ran right after him and I stopped talking.

Draco's P.O.V

Harry was running fast and I heard him heaving. He ran right into the bathroom as I was right on his tail. I saw him doubled over a toilet in one of the stall. I ran in and rubbed his back. He was spitting up and tears were drenching his face. I heard others join us but I just focused on Harry.

"It's okay Harry, let it out." I rubbed his back. When he finished coughing and heavy he looked at me. His bottom lip was trembling so I wrapped him in a hug and he cried into my neck. "Shh let it out angel." I hushed. He was trembling so I held him tighter. "I'm here. I'll be here." I hushed and kissed his head.

"C-can w-we leave?" He asked.

"Yes come on." I said. I gently lifted Harry up from the ground and he clung to my side. He buried his face into my side as I gently led him out of the bathroom. Sirius, Hermione and Ron were standing outside.

"We're leaving." I said gently.

"Of course." Sirius said.

"They're postponing the trail anyway; Cedric refused to speak any long until he knows Harry is okay." Hermione said and I nodded.

"Well obviously he's not and I don't know how long it'll take him to relax." I said. "If they ask, tell his Harry is not speaking to anyone." I said and they nodded. "C'mon Kitten, let's go back." I said. I felt him nod and we walked towards the door. Reporters were outside and they were trying to get us to comment. We got through them and we got in the car.

"Harry, are you alright?" Sirius asked and he shook his head.

"We should talk when we get back to the hotel." I said. Sirius nodded and I still felt Harry's tears drenching my suit. "Harry, I'm putting my hand on your head." I said. He tended to flinch a lot more when he was upset. He didn't answer so I just gently stroked his hair. I felt him relax next to me so I sighed. "It's okay Harry, he's in jail and I won't let him hurt you." I promised and kissed his head. We pulled up to the hotel and I got out with Harry still clung to my side. His face was still nuzzled into my chest. Once we got to our hotel room, Harry took off his suit and put on sweats. He crawled into bed. Sirius and I just stared at him as he stared at the floor. I walked over to him and kneeled next to him.

Roommates (A Drarry Fanfiction) (BoyxBoy) (Book 1 of Roommates)Where stories live. Discover now